New She-Hulk toy – is it to scale?

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    Yeah, I'm noticing the price. I don't know how badly I want to pay about $10 for a little She Hulk figurine.

    That's why I'm wondering if it's worth it. It's puny. But it's the only She-Hulk figure that puts the 'Hulk' in She-Hulk.


    That's why I'm wondering if it's worth it. It's puny. But it's the only She-Hulk figure that puts the 'Hulk' in She-Hulk.

    The Marvel Selects figure is actually pretty buff.


    The Marvel Selects figure is actually pretty buff.

    Yeah, but the figurine has better upper body mass. The Marvel Selects edition has a face like Dolly Parton.


    Yeah, but the figurine has better upper body mass. The Marvel Selects edition has a face like Dolly Parton.

    I like the face on the Marvel Selects one, because she actually looks attractive.
    However, the more I look at the Marvel Legends one I just picked up, the more I like it; sure the figure isn't as "buff", but I think the figure's face is cuter.


    The Marvel Selects figure is actually pretty buff.

    I actually have the She Hulk and the Thing from the classic marvel lead figure line and they both look awesome. She Hulk has quit a bit of upper body mass and looks very strong. It doesn't hurt that the pose she is in is rather sexy as well.  ;D The Figures are to scale to so the thing is just barely to her shoulders but he's really wide.


    I actually have the She Hulk and the Thing from the classic marvel lead figure line and they both look awesome. She Hulk has quit a bit of upper body mass and looks very strong. It doesn't hurt that the pose she is in is rather sexy as well.  ;D The Figures are to scale to so the thing is just barely to her shoulders but he's really wide.

    Which She Hulk figure is that? I don't think I'm familiar with it.


    Which She Hulk figure is that? I don't think I'm familiar with it.

    Here's a link

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