New site all about female feats of strength

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  • #148346

    Tereza lifts a Motorcycle and Scooter

    Tereza big strong. She flexes her big and bulges muscles and lifts a scooter and two motorcycles in this video. Watch how strong she is. Get impressed.

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    Renata Crushes Apples with Her Super Muscles

    Renata is muscular and powerful. She debuts by crushing some apples using her powerful and strong muscles. Watch this incredibly strong and beautiful woman using all her strength and might.

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    Thata Ogra Destroys your LCD TV for FUN

    Thata Ogra destroys your entire LCD TV just to show how powerful she is. She flexes her incredible and strong muscular body and using her pure strength she destroys it.

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    RED breaks keyboard apart

    RED breaks the keyboard apart using her sheer strength. She exhibits her incredible and sexy muscular body and tears the keyboard while her muscle bulges. Can you handle it?

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    Vivi Pit Bull in super-strong Apple Crush

    Vivi Pit Bull, she is pure strength and power. Watch how she flexes her dense muscles. You could fill her power and strength. She picks some apples and crushes it as it were nothing resting. Female muscle crushing machine.

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    Ari Arias rips plush with her hands

    Ari Arias flexes her big and strong body. She rips a plush toy with her bare hands. Watch her sheer strength destroying everything in her way. So strong so sexy and powerful.

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    Sassenach destroys your cookie cans with her strong hands and biceps

    Sassenach destroys your cookie cans with her strong hands and biceps, she flexes her impressive biceps. She smashes metal with her hands, crushing it several times under an impressive pressure strength.

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    Tereza big and strong smashes apples

    Tereza big and strong smashes apples. In this video, Tereza flexes her big, strong, and massive muscles. Apples are not strong enough against such strong and powerful arms and pecs massive fruit crushing video.

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    Glauce smashes and crushes a vacuum clear

    Glauce smashes and crushes a vacuum clear. She flexes her dense and strong muscles, her biceps bulges over her arms. Glauce picks an old big vacuum cleaner using her full power, strength dismantles and destroys everything. Watch her super strength in action.

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    Thata Ogra Barbending goddess

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    Thata Ogra Barbending goddess. She flexes her incredible and shredded physique. Her biceps and pecs are made of pure muscular strength. You will never meet such a strong and gorgeous lady as Thata. She picks a metal bar and bends it easily with all her strength.

Viewing 10 posts - 211 through 220 (of 2,592 total)
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