New Site with 3D Just For Us!

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  • #79556
    David C. Matthews

    That's absolutely stunning!  I concur with the suggestions about a "proper muscle system" and adding some animation to the hands (which shouldn't be difficult, especially since you don't need a lot of movement there) , but I'd love to follow the progress on this – especially when the hair is added!

    Awesome job!


    When I checked out some of their work in progress videos on their site, I saw that they actually do have a muscular system in place for the upper body, so I guess it's a matter of time before they implement it for the lower body as well.

    Tigersan, another technique for getting realistic muscle deformations, that may be more suitable for your workflow, is to use animated, blended displacement maps. The basic idea is that you sculpt the muscles to the right shape for various extreme poses and the resulting displacement maps then automatically blended together when you put the model in an arbitraty pose. It's a bit like joint-controlled morph targets, only better.

    A user called Big Guns has demoed the technique over at this Zbrush Central thread for his amazingly realistic Arnold Schwarzenegger model, which was completed over a period of 3 years I might add. Note that the final rendered images of the model are at the end of the thread. He said he is going to post a "making of" article for this model and, even though it's a male bodybuilder, I'm sure there's still a lot that we could all learn from studying his techniques.


    dcmatthews: Thank you! 🙂 Your post pushed me toward to create hair for this character first of all. Now after I have made hair I get back to work with lower body muscular system. Here some results…

    Robert McNay

    Beautiful! Gorgeous! Incredible! The only way it could better is if she were real flesh and blood, so I could fall in love with her.  ;D


    Damn, they're incredible! I would write more words, but I just want to go back at stare at them in wonder some more.


    I'm just so psyched lookign at this that I have to post.

    It's the most beautifully done stuff I've ever seen.

    Will we finally get 3D gruelling wrestling and arm wrestling matches? 😀

    If only SecondLife had this quality of avatar… we wouldn't be constantly griping about how our avatar arms look chunky and un-flexable…


    She's definitely a video game character waiting to happen!  Cameo in Fallout 3 perhaps?


    Thank you very much for so kind words! They mean much for me and push me toward to improve my work.  🙂 🙂 🙂


    Thank you very much for so kind words! They mean much for me and push me toward to improve my work.  🙂 🙂 🙂

    Great Hopefully one day we'll see a full Movie! 🙂



    Hello. I’ve got almost finished rigged model. Here the video link. 🙂

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