New sketch (NUDITY) – and a question

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  • #15149

    I dunno how it works; guess it depends on how well you know your audience. I don't have any problems with PCC desktops because my fans care that they're an income source. Even now I still have people ordering desktops from two years ago.


    Sad truth is? People don't like paying for things D:

    If they can get if for free, usually they will damn well try @_@


    I don't think people mind paying for things if they're worth paying for.


    That's a good point. It's the same reason I don't have a membership to fbb photosites or anything of that nature. I just don't see a ton of value in a batch of static photo images of FBBs for $10-$15 a month; there has to be a lot of compelling and varied content for me to take the dive. If I already know what to expect every month, it really lessens my enthusiasm.

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