New Whedon/Dushku collaboration

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  • #62854

    Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku (Faith from Buffy) are creating a new series call "Dollhouse"! Eliza said she's in training to achieve "Dark Angel" level. Well, do as they say, not as they do, honey.


    I think that qualifies as some pretty damn good news…

    And Dushku getting in that level of fitness has gotta be damn hot (now we can only hope that she'll at least manage to stay more toned than your average Hollywood Barbie-doll…)

    Silent One

    A new Wheedon series put out by Fox?  I'm not sure I'd call that good news . . .  More likely it will be another corporate abortion similar to Firefly.  Don't get me wrong.  I loved Firefly.  But I would have loved it more had it been on a network that wasn't actively trying (and suceeding) to get it off the air as quickly as possible.  I'm sure Wheedon will once again put out a superior product, but it's hard to get excited given the previous record Fox has with his properties.

    David C. Matthews

    Maybe, maybe, maybe the fact that Fox is considering it means they've learned their lesson with Firefly, after seeing its roaring success on DVD and in theaters as "Serenity" – maybe it wasn't a blockbuster, but I'm given to understand it was profitable, and it certainly got great reviews from critics and fans.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed…


    I was gonna post on this but held back.  We'll see if it happens.


    I agree with Lingster.

    It sounds to me like the sort of idea that would make a great film, but there can only be so many stories that you can fashion out of it. I hope very much to be proven wrong.

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