new wonder woman beginning WW#600

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  • #93619
    Paul Schilling

    Not quite the Wonder Woman of the Sekowsky/Giordano run in 1968 (yes fan-boy, she lost EVERYTHING for a 25 issue run #178 – 203) but it will do until Didio decides he no like. Besiides its been 42 years since Diana’s had a major change.
    One more thing. Did you ever wonder why Maude wore pant suits?

    Paul Schilling

    Consider the STORIES in the front a tribute to the past which is all undone in the final story, where Diana goes to what looks to be an alternate universe. As far as the uniform goes They’re looking at the Cathy Lee Crosby look (sort of). And if they make a live action movie… well let’s just say there was only one person to make that bustiere work

    ze fly

    :unsure: Reminds me of the “Bullets and bracelets” look from Deodato Jr when Artemis took the WW mantle…

    I don’t know… Just wait & see, I guess, before saying more. :dry:

    Paul Schilling

    Wonder Woman has been running at DC for a long time. She started in a bustiere and a mini-skirt that was the colors of the flag. and then went into her other changes through out the Century. Now, the book is not even in the top 10 books selling at DC and according to an agreement with the Marston Estate, WW can be YANKED from DC if they stop producing the book. Now over a half century later a writer comes on the book that says we give her an urban look to Diana and make her forget every thing she knows, enter the blind sage Cassandra who tells everything she knows to Diana. Cassandra is one who is not to believed, Diana believes her. For Those who read comic books re-read the splash-page of “All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder” #5 Diana’s got quite an attitude toward men given to her by Frank Miller. Her whole outlook at Metropolis and calling men “sperm bank” plus her thoughts on the JLA made for some offensive reading. But Frank Miller is known for his attitude. :huh:

    What I’m trying to say is we let that go BUT change her costume and make her forget who she is as part of a storyline, and everyone goes Ballistic. :angry:

    To quote Milller “Pray that just once… the men have the guts to do what needs doing.” I’m gonna pay fair and give J. Michael a chance to prove himself and maybe save a floundering book.

    Happy birthday Michael (even if it’s belated by a day) 😉

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