Nomdreserv Stories Archived

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    Occasional muscle growth themes.

    Example: One from one of my favorites, Transfer Student:

    Damn it, Courtney thought, it wasn’t fair. She hated being treated this way. She wished she had his muscles to see how he liked being pushed around.

    Suddenly, Jason found Courtney’s struggles to be much more vigorous, almost breaking his grip. Ignoring the tingling in his arms and legs, he shifted positions to secure his arm lock, but found it harder and harder to do so. At last, with a grunt, Courtney twisted her arms free.

    “Stop it, jerk!” she yelled, pushing him. They were both surprised when he actually staggered back a couple of steps. She saw a glimpse of panic in his eyes, but he recovered his bravado and decided to renew his attack.

    “Ooh, tough little girl!” he mocked, grabbing her in a bear hug and squeezing, hoping to drive her breathless the way he usually did. He was once again surprised by a mild tingling in his limbs, like they were asleep. “Think you can take me?” He tried a simple trick and tripped her with his left foot while they wrestled, expecting to throw her to the floor. Instead, she wrapped her own arms around him in a surprisingly strong grip and pulled him with her.

    They hit the floor with two “Oofs” but Courtney hardly felt the blow. For the first time in years, she was actually enjoying their wrestling, feeling a surprising vigor in her arms and legs that seemed to grow as they fought. They rolled around on the floor, to all appearances evenly matched, though she couldn’t imagine why he’d decided to take it easy on her. His arms squeezed or hit her with less force every minute.

    At last, to both their amazement, she ended up on top of his back, holding both his arms pinned beneath her. Another twist, and he cried out in pain, giving her an unexpected, almost sexual rush. However, seeing the expression of total shock and growing fear on his face also startled her, and she reflexively let go.

    “Did I just win? I won, didn’t I?” she crowed as they stood up and brushed themselves off.

    “Ah, I just let you win ‘cuz I felt sorry for you,” he mumbled, rubbing his arms gingerly. They burned strangely, like after a workout, but something he felt – or, more properly, didn’t feel – made his eyes go wide.

    “Oh yeah? Wanna go another round?” she asked, eyes gleaming and adopting a ready stance. She felt positively supercharged.

    “Nah. I don’t wanna make you cry,” he said, trying to sound bored. “I’m gonna go do my homework.”

    She stood and watched as he walked quickly away, in obvious retreat. The next minute, she recovered enough to jump in the air with a triumphant, “Yes!”

    Jason locked the door to his room and pulled off his sweatshirt, gasping when his upper body was revealed. The defined, muscular frame he had worked so hard to develop had all but disappeared, and he looked almost the same as he had 3 years ago before weight training. He flexed his arm, producing a still noticeable but dramatically smaller biceps that almost made him cry. He knew he had skipped a bunch of sessions recently, but this degree of atrophy seemed impossible. He looked like someone who had never worked out before. Pulling off his pants revealed the same devastation below. He still had decent muscle tone, but only a shadow of the bulk that had been there.

    In trembling confirmation, he tried to lift his free weights for a couple of curls. His muscles screamed in protest, quivered, then quit, and he had to let the weights hang loosely in his weakened arms. Dejected and almost afraid at the changes, he switched to light weights and started to lift, desperate to make up for his loss. Man, he’d never skip a workout again – his neglect had left him barely as strong as his sister. He had a lot of ground to make up.

    Courtney fairly bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time, her body feeling incredibly light with each step, still wondering how she’d managed to beat her brother. She paused outside his room to yell, “Girls rule!” in through the door, then went into her own room, pausing at the mirror. “Looking good,” she told her reflection.

    Then she stopped, looking more closely. Even with her intentionally baggy shirt, she thought her shoulders looked wider, and her arm felt funny when she bent it. Closing her door, she returned and pulled off her shirt. Her jaw fell open in disbelief. Instead of the soft, pudgy body she expected, she saw a cut figure with a much flatter stomach and toned arms with noticeable muscle. Her breasts also looked different – the bra cups not as full, but the breasts themselves looking better, less soft and fat, and lifted as though the muscles beneath had enlarged to present them. Her nipples grew stiff at the sight of her body, and a tentative touch of her breasts confirmed they were noticeably firmer. The medallion within her cleavage winked at her as it glinted off the light.

    “Shit!’ she exclaimed, trying to come to grips with her transformed body. Trembling, she pulled off her jeans, which had somehow become tighter on her legs again. She gasped. Her thighs bulged with muscle rather than fat, and her calves were rounded and toned, the muscles clearly defined. Even her ass looked smaller and firmer.

    “It’s impossible,” she whispered. “I almost look like…”

    It was then she remembered the mystery of Melanie’s appearance, and the dramatic turnabout during her fight with Jason. Of course, it was still impossible – even the idea was absurd, but then – looking at her taller, muscular body – so was this. The gold chain caught her eye again. Instinctively, she touched it, and a flash of understanding seemed to flood her. If her theory was right…

    Putting her clothes back on, she walked back to his room and knocked. She heard a grunt from within, and the thud as he set down his weights.

    “What is it?” he asked, slightly out of breath.

    “Me,” she called. “Can I talk to you?”

    “Just a minute,” he answered. He opened the door. “Whatta you want?”

    She saw how nervous or distracted he was, and also – now that she was looking – how much less developed his upper body seemed, even through his sweatshirt. His legs were also obviously thinner. Her heart raced as she realized that somehow the medallion had made her wish come true, and she had stolen his strength. The implications made her mind spin, and she just stood there silently for several seconds while Jason panted. He looked so distraught, she almost told him what she had discovered, but decided she’d better hold off until she could more clearly think the situation through. Besides, what sister could resist the situation entirely? She glanced at the weights.

    “Working out?”

    “Yeah, so?” His nervousness increased.

    She smiled, teasing him. “Oh, nothing. I was wondering if I should try it. Maybe tone up a bit. What do you think?”

    He snorted. “Don’t make me laugh. Go get some hand weights or something.”

    “But you have all these right here,” she persisted, pushing past him and pointing. She stopped, and looked down in pretend surprise. “Hey, didn’t you take some of the weight off?”

    “Yeah,” he mumbled, eyes downcast. “I, um, decided to alternate light with heavy workouts.”

    “That sounds like a good idea,” she mused. “Let me just try ‘em.” Before he could say a word, she reached down and hoisted the barbell. “Say, this IS easy,” she agreed. “Are you sure you won’t lose ground working out this light?”

    He gulped, watching her effortless curls.

    “No, I don’t think so,’ he squeaked, desperately hoping he was right.

    She set the weight back down, then crossed to him, squeezing his upper arm. He actually winced, and she exulted at how much smaller and softer it felt. In fact, it seemed to soften beneath her grip, even as a faint tingling returned to her limbs.

    “I don’t know,” she smirked. “if your sister can beat you at wrestling, I think you’d better start working harder, not easier.” She smiled sweetly and let go, the tingling also ceasing. “Better let you get back to it. You don’t want to miss any more workouts the way you’re going.”

    He watched her saunter confidently away, amazed. Was she bigger? She had to be. He’d only just realized how much. Apparently, she really had hit another growth spurt, and it coincided with her becoming much stronger. She must be working out on the side. He’d even had to repress a cry when she’d squeezed his arm. This only fired his own determination to get back into shape, and he walked back to his weights grimly.

    And gasped when he tried to pick up the barbell. It seemed even heavier than before, and he could barely lift it halfway before his arms gave out again. What the hell was going on? He’d just seen Courtney lift it without trouble. The implications were chilling, and he sat on his bed dazed.


    Probably the best for those of us that like long drawn out stories is “Balance of Nature“.
    In Tennis, Love means nothing” is another great one.


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