Non-silly comic-pics

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  • #53619

    Someone suggested me that I should post here the links of my muscle draws other than the silly comics. As I know that you don't like all my stuff (I know it already, as I said, there is no need for everyone to remind me everytime ^__^ ), I'll post the links to the draw themselves. Or I'll try, since I had never been good with codes -_-

    Here they are:
    The incredibles parallel universe
    Muscled Sakura
    Muscled Hinata
    Muscled Temari
    Muscled Xiao Yu
    Samantha Maxwell Actually, I had continued playing with this character, and even updated her to the 2nd edition of the game ^___^
    Prize for Rainbow The girl won a little contest I made in my site, and I made this draw for her of one of her invented Sailor Scouts.
    Hihiki and SatsurouA present for a friend in Gaiaonline
    AT for RedSilverArtist My part of an art trade I made with him. He made the amazing Fuu sequence that you knew here: Great RedSilver draws

    I hope I wrote the codes well. Darn, how I hate codes! ^_____^


    I love your Incredibles drawing! πŸ˜€


    Thank you! Glad you do πŸ™‚


    Nice Scorpion there, Mon.

    Uhm. How's about some Battle Maidens?  πŸ˜‰

    (Yeah, I play the ponies. I'm hoping for an Utaku champion in Samurai)

    Also, I really do like the Incredibles pic. Of all the sequels in hollywood, that's the one I'd be after the most. Good movie.



    I really like your style, especially the more polished pieces.

    ze fly

    Wow! Some I've already seen, and some others I haven't… until now, thanks πŸ™‚
    Anyway, your art is really great.
    Powergirl is my favorite, of course. ;D


    Someone suggested me that I should post here the links of my muscle draws other than the silly comics. As I know that you don't like all my stuff (I know it already, as I said, there is no need for everyone to remind me everytime ^__^ ),

    WHAT ??? Someone actually had the gall to not to like you're stuff,Sat?…that's awful for such things to be said.  And judging by these drawings you've offered, whoever they are are probably choking on those words.  *Sigh*…well, with that being said, I love the drawings…but my ALL-TIME-FAVORITE is Hinata.  I wonder what she'd look like in color?  And, any plans on having more drawings of her?  Just curious and thank you for sharing those wonderful pics with us.  ;D


    Thank you all ^__^

    Nice Scorpion there, Mon.

    Uhm. How's about some Battle Maidens?

    Yeah, I play the ponies. I'm hoping for an Utaku champion in Samurai)

    Bayushi forever! πŸ˜€ But actually, you gave me an idea, you know? I'll draw a battle maiden this summer. Thanks πŸ™‚ Never thought of that πŸ™‚ -the bad part is that I will need to draw a horse, and I'm not used to… which is a sin, due the fact I am a vet (or to be precise, I will be it in september) –

    WHAT  Someone actually had the gall to not to like you're stuff,Sat?…that's awful for such things to be said.  And judging by these drawings you've offered, whoever they are are probably choking on those words.  *Sigh*…well, with that being said, I love the drawings…but my ALL-TIME-FAVORITE is Hinata.  I wonder what she'd look like in color?  And, any plans on having more drawings of her?  Just curious and thank you for sharing those wonderful pics with us. 

    Well yeah, but since I expect that, it's not awful. I mean, I don't draw just muscle girls. And the other stuff I draw… most people here find it kinda opposite to the muscle art. The only thing I asked is to please not be reminded every comment that people here don't like my other stuff, which is something I know already ^___^

    More Hinata? I dunno, I had drawn (sp?) her several times, but if she appears more in the manga (and so it seems) and has some more relevance, the author of the manga may give me more ideas, who knows ^_^ I am really glad you liked her πŸ™‚ (and, in general, the pics I shown here ^_^ )

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