Novus Machina

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  • #3111

    Novus = New

    Machina = in this case possibly a plot by the characters to change the world. Or the machine itself.


    Novus = New

    Machina = in this case possibly a plot by the characters to change the world. Or the machine itself.

    Close, dear Vic, close.

    Novus (in Latin) also means "strange" and "unusual", as well meaning "new", "young" & "fresh".

    Machina, in this context, means "device".

    Thus, translated, the title means "Strange Device". Which is why the protagonist/narrator says: "Ego par: Novus Machina" -‘Like me: a strange device’, refering to his cybernetic structure.

    But ’tis good to see that the title made some sense, in a way, because I’s was afeared that it may have been too abracted.

    Oh, well.


    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Thank you T P NB,

    I momentarily misplaced the fact that Latin can have complex nuances. The edification is quite welcome, thank you. Although the learning of Latin has occured to me, the complexity is quite daunting. Learning the language of Cicero is still somewhat compelling.


    Thank you T P NB,

    I momentarily misplaced the fact that Latin can have complex nuances. The edification is quite welcome, thank you. Although the learning of Latin has occured to me, the complexity is quite daunting. Learning the language of Cicero is still somewhat compelling.

    You are most welcome, dear Vic.

    And yes: learning a language such as Latin -the source almost all European languages- is both thrilling and daunting.

    I’s learnt various bits and pieces of the language over my’s long years but it has been dulled over time because there is so little chance to practice. Which is most shameful. Oh, well. At least some is known and still remember.

    Good luck in your tutoring, Vic, if you do decide to go through with it.


    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Again, post bumped by request of a few members.
    Apologies for such action.


    No apologies necessary Sir.  I enjoyed when I first joined and I have enjoyed it again.

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