NSFW… More from the Draw

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    Yeah that's not Scoundrel's work, the facial expression is much too severe for the work he used to do.  Scoundrel muscles tend to be much more bubbly and exaggerated using implied lines and random scratches to give it more depth, strength, and hardness.


    Nahh Benji, Michele is a dude, I think he's Canadian!…I think!


    I cannot name the artist, but I think that is some of the finest work I am yet to see – the proportions are absolutely georgeous


    Also Pimpleh one, isnt it Michelle Roppo? Like, a female? Lol. :"o?


    The spelling is 'Michele', which is the masculine French form.
    Michele is most indeed male.


    MY LIFE IS A LIE *bang*
    Lol. Whoa, thats neat though. Lol, how confusing that was for me. Thanks for settin meh straight aye.

    gimme size

    Nice lines, man. Didn't you used to go by another pseudonym? Destructo?

    Yeah, seems like everyone misses Scoundrel. Dunno if his work holds up against some of the incredible talents that have surfaced in his wake, but it's hard to argue that he was one of the musclegirl art pioneers, at least as far as the internet goes. Some of his stories (color versions) are still online at Awefilms and random stuff seems to pop up occasionally at LH-Art and other places, but it's probably older work. Ah well, at least he helped prompt other musclegirl artists to pick up the pen! Or Wacom tablet, or mouse or whatever.

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