**NSFW** New Amy’s Conquest Giveaway Celebration – And Some Free Pics! :)

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  • #82162

    Hey all!  πŸ™‚

    Just letting you know that April being the special month that it is (my birth-month and all :p) that I wanted to see about celebrating that "special time" with you all, and as always when I throw a party, its Me that gives the gifts To You!, this time in the form of Free One Month Memberships to some of your favorite Female Muscle sites.  πŸ™‚

    Colette Nelson (http://www.colettenelson.com/), Lynn McCrossin (http://www.pecpantherlive.com/) and ScissorVixens (http://www.scissorvixens.com/) have all agreed to allow me to give you (or should I say, three very lucky Amy's Conquest members, one member winning access to one of the three sites above) free access to their site for one month.  One month to enjoy every visual image, every video clip, every single ounce of female strength, power and sexiness that these Incredible sites contain. 

    How do you be in to win such a prize?  Well, if you're an AC member, you're already In To Win!  As always, I like to give back to our fans and supporters for being so good to us, so I will be taking a list of all members active as of May 1st (the day after this birthday celebration ends) and randomly drawing from them, from which three will be chosen (again, one for each of the above sites), and then contacted with membership details, to which they can use to Enjoy their new free site for the next month!

    Not a winner this time around, No Worries!, as Amy's own birthday is coming up in July, and You Know she LOVES a party as well, so for her birth-month we plan to do this All Over Again, this time with three other Amazing Female Muscle Sites! 

    So again, I just wanted to get the word out to you all, let anyone who may be interested in being a part of our latest Amy's Conquest Giveaway, and of course I can't pop on here without giving you all some more Free Preview Pics from some of our upcoming stories (many More of which are still On The Way)  πŸ™‚

    Here we have a few from the Always Pleasing Stef, who lends us his unreal artistic ability in the form of One "Boring" Friday Night:


    In addition to those, we will soon be having some more Coming Soon images (followed by Full PDF Stories) from the likes of FemForteFan, Peter, Bambs, and many others as well.  πŸ™‚

    So thanks for allowing me to share these with you, and again for those that are interested in trying to win Free One Month Access to some truly Unreal Female Muscle sites, GOOD LUCK!!  πŸ™‚


    Some fantastic images there!  The workout one reminds me of a famous She-Hulok illustration Alex G posted about recently.

    Trash Boat

    What can you say. Amazing drawings.


    These drawings are nice. Thanks for sharing them with us.


    It really is something else seeing some of my favorite stories being brought to life. Thanks for the previews.


    Not a problem guys, Im glad you all enjoyed these, and of course to those that are going to take a crack at winning a free one month membership to one of those sites, I say again Good Luck.  πŸ™‚


    The last 5 picture is only halfway ready! Ah! I hate myself so much. So much delay, so many excuses…

    But next week will be a holiday, so I'll finish the pictures!

    PS: Stef is unbelieveable


    PS: Stef is unbelieveable

    I concur.  He makes ripped sexy.  You're not too bad yourself, though! ;D πŸ˜‰ 8)


    Hi all.  πŸ™‚

    Just thought I'd quickly pop on to give a Final Reminder to anyone interested in trying out for our Newest Giveaway, which involves us randomly picking Three Amy's Conquest members, and giving each one 1 Month Free Access to one of these Awesome Female Muscle sites (www.colettenelson.com, http://www.pecpantherlive.com, http://www.scissorvixens.com). 

    Anyone who is a member of Amy's Conquest during and across the end of this month (April) is automatically in the drawing and has a Chance To Win.  The drawing will be taken on May 1st, so anyone who's a member of AC by the end of April (at the very latest) is in to win!  So check your emails and keep a watch out, you never know, Amy may be sending you a little surprise very shortly.  πŸ™‚

    And since I can't pop on without giving you guys a little something, please enjoy our newest batch of pics from Amy's Conquest, both from our Current Story and Coming Soon sections.  πŸ™‚

    The Class Reunion – Currently up in full.

    Thanks as always for letting me share these with you, and again for anyone who may be trying out for our Newest AC Giveaway, GOOD LUCK!  πŸ™‚


    It's all great, but the richness of Jed's work just makes me want to cry.

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