Oblivion Muscle Mod (NSFW?)

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    I was thinking… something I try to avoid… couldn't you create a bulkier mesh in poser or daz, then export it as a .obj, and then use nif tools or something to map it to the already existing joints.

    If I thought I could do it in ten, i'd definitely try. As it is, the only reason i make mods that not many people do is really becasue i don't care if it's not perfect, so i just jump in and do it if no one else has yet. Maybe one day. i do get depressed if i spend too long in front of a PC. haha


    Tiger-san, you don't know how happy you made me!!
    That skin looks awesome on the girls. 😮 If you don't mid, i might like to put out a v.2 of my mod with your skins (will credit of course) and make a more veiny version as an extra addition(not that your one's not brilliant), since i can actually UV map properly now.
    The chest near the girls contains suits to make your character look like them. Just put one on! : )
    The_collector, my sweaty bodies ARE in fact glass (as far as the game's concerned). I gave them the same material property in the nif.
    TO take the shine away, go to material properties in the NIF, and change it from "EnvMap2" to "skin", then change the TexturingProperty's Apply Mode from apply_highlight to apply_modulate.
    Oh yeah, there is an actual sliding bar in material property for how glossy you want something to be, too.
    ALSO: Armor can be added although it would be tough, with the size of the body. If you were to go to say, armor/arena, then open the NIF of a man's raiment, right-clidk on the pauldrons, paste onto my mesh, they should appear on the shoulders. You can then right click, transform, and resize to fit (althogh it's rarely so easy). to make the extra bits stay on, you go to the main NiNode at the top of the menu, find "children", increase that number by the number of new things you added, then click on the green icon just underneath and look at the children of the parent node. There should be a list of numbers and body/armor parts. You find the number for the thing you added, insert it there, and save.It takes a lot of pain to get right, but id love to see more stuff done.

    I modified basic female mesh in ZBrush each part separately chest and arms and when i import it its in pieces… :/ has holes in it like it had missing triangles… got me so pissed… dunno how to do it.


    Yup you can use the textures, but make sure you put a credit there…


    I like the new texture, looks great!  For those who suggested making a mesh in poser or something like that, it's not possible.

    The only programs that work with Oblivion right now are Gimp and 3d Studio Max, the Maya plugin doesn't work as well as it should.  So unless you have those 2 programs, that is the only current way to create a new mesh that could be played in game.

    Well since the textures are done, there's really not much point in me making the photorealistic textures is there!?


    I can make the mesh. Mesh itself is not a problem ATALL, making it playable is.
    I already made the mesh but couldnt replace the original with it in Nifskope


    I like the new texture, looks great!  For those who suggested making a mesh in poser or something like that, it's not possible.

    The only programs that work with Oblivion right now are Gimp and 3d Studio Max, the Maya plugin doesn't work as well as it should.  So unless you have those 2 programs, that is the only current way to create a new mesh that could be played in game.

    Well since the textures are done, there's really not much point in me making the photorealistic textures is there!?

    I stoppes doing photo textures because they look weird in the game i draw my own textures with tablet… That way you have 100% control over that you want.


    There is a blender plugin that works pretty well, you should check it out.


    Mesh is not a problem i just cant import it into nifskope, i just dont know how … whats the difference if i make obj file in blender or zbrush
    …. for me only one i dont know blender i know zbrush.
    I already got the mesh obj file, someone just has to point me to a tutorial on how to make it playable in nifskope.


    that's the problem, the people who wrote the code for nifskope only made plugins for 3d studio max, blender, and limited functionality with Maya.

    There is no plugin for Z-brush or anything that saves as an "OBJ" file, needs to be under the blender or 3d studio max format.

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