Oblivion Muscle Mod (NSFW?)

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    Nifskope imports OBJ, besides i can make this mesh in 3ds no problem. Import it to 3dsmax and save it as 3ds

    I use 3dsMAX as a convertor basically cuz it imports almost all formats and you can export as any format


    Nifskope imports OBJ, besides i can make this mesh in 3ds no problem. Import it to 3dsmax and save it as 3ds

    I use 3dsMAX as a convertor basically cuz it imports almost all formats and you can export as any format

    I would say that OBJ importing in Nifskope is only for static meshes. I would have thought the procedure would be to import your mesh into Max, where you would skin it with the standard skeleton and then use the plugin to export it as a character for Nifskope.

    This link seems to confirm that I may not be completely talking out of my ass.

    The procedure would be similar with Maya if you are more familiar with it, but not sure what TC2 meant about "limited functionality".


    Well, that was weird. Somehow the link got munged. This one should work.


    hey. nice but if you ask me its not enough ripped muscle 😛


    I knew for you Tigersan, your taste goes to extraordianry muscles….this fitness type goes for me 🙂


    I can make the mesh. Mesh itself is not a problem ATALL, making it playable is.
    I already made the mesh but couldnt replace the original with it in Nifskope

    That looks brilliant. What a damn shame it can't be converted over. If I knew anything about 3d modelling, i'd be all over it. From what little experiences i have with Nifskope, vertices and the rest is only worth it if you're obsessed enough to justify the time or are getting paid.


    I don't know, getting meshes to work in the game is extremely complicated.  I think most if not all of the meshes were tweaks to the original mesh rather than a brand new one.  Well if any of you figure out how to do it feel free to post away.


    It would not be THAT complicated if there only was an addon for nifskope that would copy each vertice from imported mesh to the opened nif. Because this is the original mesh from oblivion i just reshaped it so it has exactly the same vertice count.


    It would not be THAT complicated if there only was an addon for nifskope that would copy each vertice from imported mesh to the opened nif. Because this is the original mesh from oblivion i just reshaped it so it has exactly the same vertice count.

    OK, I'm going to stick my neck out again and talk about this subject I know clearly nothing about. According to this article,  Working With Nifs 201 : Meshes, Data, and you, nifskope can already do what you want.

    "-Back in nifskope, right click the pauldron's triShape, and do .OBJ>Import. Nifskope will give a warning about .obj not having skindata, but that's ok, we're professionals. (The trishape already has our skindata, we just moved the vertices, so the skining work stil applies)"

    If this works, I think I'll be buying this game.

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