Oblivion Muscle Mod (NSFW?)

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  • #63599

    I have Maya 2008 now, but I'm not proficient at 3d modelling just yet, would rather prefer someone make the model and I just skin it for em, so much easier that way.

    Devon Cory

    I was wondering if anyone had heard about any progress being made in developing a 'muscle' mod for Oblivion. There's always this mod from PES which is a very nice option: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1812. However, I seem to remember that it's not compatible with Exnem's Female EyeCandy mod. A pity really.

    Speaking of which, does anyone know if there's a… ahem ::) bigger breasts mod available? Exnem's models are already fairly voluptuous but, you know, bigger -is- better.

    Let me know.


    Posting for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately I haven't found the Holy Grail of a mod shown in the first picture, but I did find a muscle texture that is Exnem compatible. Not quite as muscular as I would like, but I figure it'll do for now. Anywho here it is.


    If anyone has found that mod of mods from the start of this thread please let me know. I have been tearing my eyes out looking for it. -_-

    Also. In answer to Cashews' call for larger, ahem. Well yeah, anyway I managed to track this down after quite some time. It is a compilation of a bunch of 'tweaks' to Exnem's mod. It's in an OMOD format, but it allows you to select either smaller sizes ranging up to some rather considerable sizes.



    That's not a very good muscle skin texture mod for Exnem's, however I do have good news!

    The PES mod is going to be updated with an Exnem's version of the muscle skin texture which will include more detail than ever before.  No idea on the release date but it should be coming down the pipe!


    Huzzah! I'll be keeping my eyes peeled then.

    Devon Cory

    Also. In answer to Cashews' call for larger, ahem. Well yeah, anyway I managed to track this down after quite some time. It is a compilation of a bunch of 'tweaks' to Exnem's mod. It's in an OMOD format, but it allows you to select either smaller sizes ranging up to some rather considerable sizes.

    I was able to find some of my own, including most of WhiteWolf's work and then some. But thank you Mal, I appreciate the effort.

    As for an update for MasterTheHero's work, that's -great-news. Where did you hear about that Collector? Any links?



    You'll see.

    Devon Cory


    You'll see.

    Why you…!!! Got an ETA on that? I'm finishing up on a mega-install and I can't wait to see Sonia in all her glory.


    No ETA yet, you can never ask an artist when an ETA is but it should hopefully turn up soon.


    Where exactly did you first catch wind of the upcoming release? Just asking so I can stalk the site.  ::)

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