Oblivion Muscle Mod (NSFW?)

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  • #63619

    Just a little update on the Exnem skin texture.

    The texture map is nightmarishly moronic and ill planned.  A lot of the texture wraps around in strange places.  For instance, if you want to place a deltoid muscle on the top of the arm where it belongs.

    With the original Oblivion texture simply drag and drop the deltoid muscle on top of the original texture and voila, instant muscle.  HOWEVER!  With Exnem's it's stupidly more complicated in that you have to place the deltoid onto the deltoid section, twist it so that it's at an angle like Da Vinci's Ventruvian man, and make a duplicate copy of the deltoid because the texture will not wrap all the way around the arm leaving it half incomplete!

    This was the original reason there wasn't going to be a muscle texture for Exnem's, because the modeller did a poor job of mapping the texture properly and it's like trying to put together a puzzle that you don't know what the final image is supposed to be.  The only advantage Exnem's mesh has is that it allows you to create asymmetrical designs without having say both arms be affected.

    This is just the upper body alone, the legs haven't even been started.  It's probably one of the most frustrating textures but it's still being attempted, so hopefully something good will come out of it all.

    Devon Cory

    The texture map is nightmarishly moronic and ill planned.

    Unfortunate but true.

    The problem if you will, is that most body mod available are similar looking.. except for Exnem. Most feature a rather large butt, with a soft look often found unsuitable for an adventuring character. No other body mod offer a busty, athletic silhouette like Exnem and that's one of the reason why it's so popular and so widely supported by the modding community.

    But as you said Collector, the mapping is terrible. I guess the ideal solution would be a whole new body mod, featuring the same basic silhouette as Exnem (to make it compatible with Exnem's clothes and armors) and featuring better mapping (thus making it a lot easier to customize),

    Wishful thinking for sure…

    Devon Cory

    Sometime I hate people. >:(

    Recently, a new mod came out which expand on Robert's Male Body Replacer. It doesn't make the guys larger, but the muscularity is much more defined. Very nicely done.

    Of course, the ladies on the EyeCandy forums were all over this new mod, digitally drooling over it. I made the stupid mistake of saying that it would be nice to see such a thing be done for a female body replacer, not making the female avatar big, just more defined.

    What do I get??
    "Ah well, to each is own."

    Fuck it! >:( You want so say "Ewww…", say "Ewww…". Don't be an hypocrite about it.

    Sometime I just feel like pulling the plug and getting into lurker-mode.



    It seems the Robert has made a new mesh for the female body.

    I have a feeling he can be persuaded to make a more muscular version.  This would be better than Eshme's because it'd be easier to texture and make into a reality.  If anyone can PM this _Robert guy or e-mail him to see if he'd be interested in making a more muscular female mesh I'd be appreciated.

    Note, when I say more muscular we're not talking Hulk proportions, just female bodybuilder proportions.  I doubt he'll go for the former, so if anyone could ask him to see if he would make a mesh that'd be greatly appreciated.  We'll provide our own textures ๐Ÿ˜‰

    The thread for his mesh is located here:


    If he asks for pictures just point him to Lindsay Mullinazzi, Pauline Nordin, Gina Davis, anyone that won't scare him away but has a lot of muscle to build off of.  The forums won't let me PM him and I don't know what his e-mail is, which is why I'm not doing it myself.  But if anyone else can that'd be great!

    black spider

    Hi, any updates? ๐Ÿ™‚

    I've read through all 5 the thread pages and i got the impression there are 3 ways to get a muscular model (skin actually) in Oblivion:

    Athletic Female Muscle Re-textures, uses the base model
    Exnem Eye Candy Muscular Textures, uses Exnem's model
    FemaleBodyReplacerV12, in the future might contain some muscle.

    Am i missing something? ๐Ÿ™‚


    Bumping this thread and plugging in an interesting reference picture. I am attempting to try and Google down the source, but no luck thus far. It may require PMing or emailing the writer of the article. Since this is from Something Awful, I am hesitant to go that route.



    In other news this mod has recently added a GUTS option to it. Basically a beefier option, though not as bulked or boobed as the above picture. :/



    – Nothing new with the athletic muscle retexture for Exnem, the model UV map is difficult to work with and wraps around in all the wrong places.  The hope is that "Robert's Female Body" mesh will be better to texture.  It's said he is possibly working on a muscular version but no pictures or stats yet.  (You must register at the following forum to view roberts mesh) http://canadianice.ufrealms.net/forum2/index.php#6

    – There is no muscular model yet, Buddy_Busen was working on tweaking some of the meshes but he hasn't reported back if he's made any progress.  There are rumors that there are muscular models out there, but no one is able to provide the link as to where these meshes have been found.

    – The goal would be to either find where those muscular mesh pictures originate from, or ask _Robert to create a heavily muscled version of his mesh, which can then be skin textured with photo realistic muscles to finally create that muscular effect.

    If you find anymore updates guys keep em posted here so we can finally get a damn mesh we can all enjoy.


    My time to edit ran out, I just wanted to let you guys know that I e-mailed the author of that article.  Though it's dated 2007, I made sure to address my specific intention of acquiring that mod.  Hopefully it will work out!


    Hate to rain on your parade guys, but making modded mesh could not be as simple as it looks. Take into consideration that most armors are meshes too. I dont know
    how are they made in the game but that changes as you change the armor… lets say no armor vs shoulder pads… that could be ALOT of work to do…

    You did hell of a job so far tho, so i wish you luck ๐Ÿ˜‰ !


    Considering that most of the folks here want the mesh for the ability to play a muscular woman, I don't think they would really need "armor" for characters that are muscle bound.

    Armor is the least of the worried, though HOWEVER!

    I will say to the folks here I just downloaded the "Guts" mesh based off the eyecandy, which is supposedly a more muscular version of the exnem's eyecandy mesh.

    I have to admit…

    It does look a lot more muscular, and has defined abdominal muscles.  I took a look at the mesh with the WIP muscle skin texture mesh, and it's enough to convince me that it might work.  I may upload screenshots but it won't be pretty.

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