Offical 2014 Ms. Olympia thread

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  • #122310

    Kind of weird and annoying how they seem to change the dates for the Olympia year in and
    year out. Wasn’t the Olympia held in November the last couple of years? Don’t remember it
    being held this early.

    That was like in 2004 when it was last held in October and like 1990s when it was held in Nov.


    And I would love to see Debi win to, Lovemhuge, but I doubt that will happen. They never NEVER
    award the Ms Olympia title to newcomers — you have to pay your dues, compete year in and year out,
    establish a reputation, work your way up the ranks. Alina has done that, and she made a big impression
    last year by showing up in arguably better condition than Iris. This year it will be between Alina and Iris.
    Debi’s time will come, but she has to play the IFBB game first.

    While I agree that Alina has Olympia potential I think Sheila has the best shot of beating Iris this year. I’ve seen her conditioning at the 2014 Tampa Pro. It’s the best I’ve ever seen and she told me via email that this is the best she has ever went into a Olympia.


    i would love to see anyone win but iris. shelia did look incredible and so did rita bello when she won this year. the field is small but there are some seriously ripped and muscular women this year. even christine envall whos been around forever has a chance. wish i didn’t work nights and could watch it live on that link Jedediah provided. i hope all these women give iris a run for her money. should be a awesome show.


    i would love to see anyone win but iris. shelia did look incredible and so did rita bello when she won this year. the field is small but there are some seriously ripped and muscular women this year. even christine envall whos been around forever has a chance. wish i didn’t work nights and could watch it live on that link Jedediah provided. i hope all these women give iris a run for her money. should be a awesome show.

    Historically there has always been two factions of fans when it comes to Ms. Olympia. One is the pro-incumbent faction, those who want to previous Ms. Olympia winner to win. And than there are those who want a new younger up and coming seasoned pro to win.

    Last year, as much as I wanted Alina Popa to win last year, in terms of judging I think Iris did edge her out but only slightly. She’s a women version of Ronnie Coleman. This year might be different. I feel like Sheila could either be first or second place this year.

    Either way here’s how I think will rank in the top five:

    1.) Iris Kyle

    2.) Sheila Bleck

    3.) Alina Popa

    4.) Debi Laszewski

    5.) Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia


    don’t forget you can watch this live tonight on the link Jedediah gave us. i have to work (DAMN!!) so i can’t watch but others can enjoy. for those of us that can’t watch maybe somebody will be nice and post the results for us. maybe even pics. :laugh:


    perhaps i’m bias. but this pic taken today at prejudging. i would say alina is bigger, and in better condition than iris. her legs are bigger and look at her abs. also anne frietas is in insane shape as well. lets hope for a changing of the guard.

    , on Flickr


    Bummed out I could not go this year.

    Can’t get any time off from work, and I am broke as a joke.

    Got to meet Alina Popa last year. What a beautiful woman. Really charming, witty, and hot beyond anything I can truly comprehend.

    Based on the picture above, Alina Popa has a true chance.

    I can respect Iris Kyle, I have been near her, and she is massive, but she is not the complete package.

    Alina has it all, muscle, symmetry, beauty, and a nice warm personality.

    Iris Kyle looked she was was ready to kill anyone who wanted to compliment, or anything.


    Here we go!


    Well if you guys think Iris is gonna lose this year are gonna be disappointed. The women commentators basically said Iris is not beatable this year and Popa is very defined by not 1st place.

    If I was placing my bets on who would have won this I would come out on top. The real question is who comes in 2nd place.

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