Old FBB Movies vs. New Movies

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    Is it just me or did anyone like the fbb movies we used to get in the 90s much more than the ones we get now.  By this I mean the ones that involved skits like Family Reunion, and Boss' Folly.  Nowadays all we get is posing movies set to music and most of them have so much editing they're trying more to be art than a movie. 

    I guess I just like to see a fbb with someone else in the video so we can get a scope of just how big she is.  Even in domination videos(which I'm not a fan of) we'll get someone like Maryse Manios who would look huge except that her victim will be a 6foot5 300 pound man kinda taking away some of the allure of it.  Builtmore movies were the oppisite where we would get a Karla Nelson comparing herself to a average/below-average man which I loved.  I mean just imagine a remake of a movie like Family Reunion where Aleesha Young plays the cousin and the male lead is a 5foot 130 pound man.

    And finally, my last complaint,although on an unrelated note,if you follow this link
    you can see that Lisa Aukland auditioned for a role in a Tyler Perry movie.  Some quick work on imdb will reveal that
    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1142800/ seems to be his next movie.  However, this reveals that Robin Coleman got the part, and between this and American Gladiators it just seems that Hollywood really just wants to give any role that involves female muscle at all right to Robin Coleman.  Anyways /endrant


    Yeah, I'm totally with you draw4wild. I mean websites like FemFlex and FTVideo have access to the girls and the equipment, so why not throw an interesting script into the mix and see what happens? A movie would be great, but even a series of short webisodes would be something. FTVideo has at least started doing a comic strip, which is definitely a step in the right direction. Also, Awefilms have done some great productions in the past which they are slowly releasing on DVD.

    My only other advice to you would be, have you considered making your own movie? It's just that now more than ever the technology is available to allow anyone to make a movie on the cheap.


    I've suggested this to the pay site operators in the past, but they're not terribly interested in it.  Most of them have trouble at this point just getting the girls to flex – figure judges don't like flexing.


    Good luck to Robin – anything that gets strong women in mainstream focus is good, though it would be nice to see attention on more than just her and Colette.

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