- This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 6 months ago by
September 14, 2007 at 8:25 am #60235
magnus knight
ParticipantJust a story from a few years back, thinking of continuing it now. Maybe see what some of you think.
On July 22, 1994 it was another hot summer day and young Amanda Evans was spending it like she spent so many of her past July’s in a hot sticky classroom attending summer school. It wasn’t that young Amanda was dumb or anything, she just never really bothered to apply herself or get ahead. She skipped school all year and was now spending her time playing catch-up. After all it wasn’t easy being fifteen in the nineties. There were a lot of changes taking place in the world at the time and she felt she had better things to do with her time that were more important then studying.
The ringing bell at two in the afternoon signaled that it was time for her to head home. She gathered her things from her locker, said goodbye to some friends and went to wait outside for her mother to come and get her. Amanda knew her father wasn’t coming for her, having left the family years ago for a younger woman and his drug habit. She always used this as an excuse and it always upset her mother. Her mother who tried to set a good example for her working two jobs to make ends meet and still try to find time for her daughter.
Amanda’s mother was running late that day. It was already a quarter past three and still no sign of her, so Amanda decided to take a bus instead and just take all her frustration about this whole thing out in school tomorrow. The bus ride home was uncomfortable as all her bus experiences were. Next to her on the ride was some guy wearing well worn and stained clothes reading a magazine. The thing that really grossed her out was the fact that he looked like he was getting a hard on. She peaked over to see in the magazine were some white pages of printer paper. On them all she could make out were three z’s at the top of the page.
As she got off the bus she was thinking about what her teacher was saying to her earlier about how unless she started to buckle down and think about her future she’d end up living with her mother for the rest of her life. She didn’t really think it was all that bad.
When she arrived home her house was eerily quite. The only sound she heard was the teakettle whistling in the back round. As she made her way through her house she finally found her mother in the living room. She was lying on the floor motionless with a little bit of blood trickling from her mouth. Amanda began to panic, but calmed down long enough to dial 911.
Sitting next to her mother who regained consciousness in a hospital room the doctor came in with the kind of somber look you never want to see on his face if you’re a patient. He informed Amanda and her mother that she had lung cancer. The outlook wasn’t too good, but there was some hope.
After the doctor left the room Amanda began to cry when her mother told her to stop. She told Amanda that she might not be around much longer, and that Amanda had to learn to be an adult. She’d have to learn to take care of herself in the world, and to rise above all around her and stand tall to be the best she could.
June 22, 1997 and Amanda Evans is walking across the stage to receive her diploma. She waived to her mother as she accepted her diploma from her principle. After her rocky start she was graduating with her class number three in her class. Ahead of her awaited Harvard, where with a full scholarship she planned to study business and economics. Her mother would not live long enough to see that day though. She died during Amanda’s third year and left her all alone. Amanda kept the advice her mother gave her that day in the hospital though and graduated near the top of her class. She was on her, already handpicked to head a division in a rising new company called Enron.
Enron was a real high pressure job for a fresh college graduate but Amanda thrived under that pressure. She also had to put up with a lot of harassment which wasn’t easy, but she figured she could handle it. She just tried to think of it as her paying her dues being new to a mostly male dominated industry. Amanda was never exactly sure as to what industry she was dominating. In fact she never really understood what exactly her company did. Every time she went to acquire about it she was sent away with a vague answer and some pointless task to accomplish. It wasn’t until a few years later after many promotions that she finally was given a little respect at the office. The harassment still continued, but she just remembered what her mother told her about keeping her head up and walking tall that kept her going. Besides she was making good money and packing away a lot for retirement at the same time. With her stock options she thought about retiring by fifty.
One morning while she was applying her makeup and brushing her well styled short blond hair she caught a late breaking news story on CNN. It turned out that something was happening big at her company. She turned it up and was shocked to find out Enron was going bankrupt. She had no idea why. To her the company was supposedly making millions. Amanda quickly finished dressing and rushed to work to get the whole story. That day would be a major turning point for young Amanda. She found out her company wasn’t exactly being honest and was deep in the whole. She didn’t find out how deep until a few weeks later when she was laid off. It turns out that not only was she loosing her job but the company was so deep in the whole that she was losing everything. Her savings, her stock options, even her home, as without this job she wouldn’t be able to afford the mortgage. Things were going down hill fast.
April of 2005 and here is the bright young attractive blond named Amanda Evans working in a Wal-Mart. She lost everything, and couldn’t get a second chance. No one out there would hire her because of the stigma that Enron placed upon her. Maybe if she was just a low level peon at Enron she would have been able to get a new well paying job, but since she ended up heading a division there no one would touch her. The business community didn’t want to risk any negative vibes from hiring her. Some of the people she worked with told her she could go into modeling with her thin frame and good looks, but she thought that was too demeaning a job for a woman with her back round to take. She wasn’t being treated any better at her job now though either. Amanda just went home each night to her three room apartment and searched the want adds hoping someday she would get a second chance to make it big.
While paging through the want adds one day Amanda came across the special skills employment section. The add read: Are you tired of being put down? Trying to hold your head high but still can’t see over the horizon? Were you once the big person in charge but have been shrunk down to a little person? Looking to grow, expand, and step on the competition? Then do we have a unique career opportunity for you now. Get in on the ground floor of a growing industry. Help others crush the competition. All welcome to apply here where your past doesn’t matter because it’s below you now. We're too busy looking up and beyond here. Come in and apply today at Growth Tech Supply and Deconstruction. 555-555-6969.
Amanda felt that some unseen force made this add just for her. It was almost like the universe was to give her a second chance again to accomplish what she tried in vein to accomplish before. While still in her sexy pink nightgown and robe she immediately ran to the phone and dialed the number. “GTS Deconstruction;” a woman answered at the other end. “How may we be of service?” “Yes, I’m calling in regards to your add in today’s employment listings section of the paper and am requiring about the job. This add wasn’t very specific on the position available nor what exactly it entails.” The secretary at the other end replied “This organization has many departments working on secrete and sensitive projects for other businesses and therefore I cannot discuss the exact nature of the position or what our current client’s project is, but if you make an appointment you can come in and someone can discuss it with you.” Amanda went on to discuss some details about herself and eventually make an appointment for later on what the secretary at the other end called a thorough interview process. The two women hung up after an hour and Amanda continued on with her day.
Through the day Amanda thought how it seemed a little odd that over the phone the secretary asked about her current marital status and whether or not she lived with some one or alone. Meanwhile back at Growth Tech Supply and Deconstruction the secretary Amanda talked to went into her boss’s office and handed him a sheet of paper. He looked at it and thanked her for her trouble. After she left he picked up his phone and dialed a number. When the person at the other end answered he said “I think we may have another potential candidate for the position.” The person at the other end said something back to which he replied “Because it’s so hard these days to find a good secretary.” He hung up, looked at the paper, and grinned to himself.
Amanda wanted to do some research on this new company before she went in for the interview. First she called the better business bureau to make sure this was a business on the up and up. The last thing she wanted was to work for another Enron and risk loosing any credibility she may have had left in the business community. The bureau informed her they had nothing on this Growth Tech Supply and Deconstruction place, nor according to their records did they even exist. Amanda decided to do some research on the internet, but again found nothing. The address they gave her for the interview was as of three months ago a large empty warehouse in the middle of an abandoned industrial park. This seemed a little suspicious to her but she also couldn’t pass up an opportunity to climb up the corporate ladder again, so she decided to go through with it.
The following Monday Amanda woke up bright and early to begin getting ready for her big day.
She started in the shower washing her short blond hair and exfoliating her snow white skin. As she emerged from the shower she went to dry herself off, brushed her short blond hair with a near center part, and then put on her makeup for the big day. She used a light blush on her cheeks and pale red lipstick to accentuate the features of her face. On her fingers she painted on some glossy red nail polish, the smell of witch quickly spread throughout the whole room. She then pulled up a pair of teal soft and silky panties, and put on her chest a light blue silk slip that ended about half way down her thighs. The floral design cups for her breasts were design to show off their B cup contents in a nice feminine fashion. Amanda then put on and buttoned up her teal satin blouse with its little blue splotchy pattern. She now carefully pulled up her white nylons slowly on each side so as not to put any runs in them. She caressed the silky white material after she reached the very top of her thigh with them. The feeling she got whenever she rubbed her nylon encased legs sent a shiver to her most private area she really enjoyed. She then attached the silky white nylon material to her garter belt with the elastic straps, and then pulled up her black pinstriped skirt and quickly buttoned the back top and zipped it up. As she made her way to her dresser the black with white stripped material gently moved with her as the small slit in the back for movement designed it too, and on the way undid the top button of her blouse for some added sex appeal. She finished up with a pair of medium gold hoop earrings and a thick chain style gold necklace. Amanda reached for her pinstriped suit coat, deciding to leave it unbuttoned to help show off her medium breasts. She put on her teal heals witch matched her blouse color, along with her panties as her little inside joke, and made her way out the door. Her two inch teal pumps clicked on the pavement as she made her way to the cab that was waiting for her, opened the door and went in. Amanda felt classy and sexy in her suit and in a few hours she was hoping to become a big executive again.Amanda arrived early at Growth Tech Supply and Deconstruction for her interview. As she made her way in she observed her surroundings and those this business was located in. It was a desolate industrial complex filled with broken down warehouses and office buildings. She thought what an odd place to try and start up a new company. The place was also at least thirty minutes form the nearest other form of civilization. This was not an ideal place for anyone to try and make a go of things. She was impressed with the size of the place though. The front seemed newly remodeled and large glass windows covered the sides to allow the sun through, probably to save on lighting costs. Behind this front part was a slightly larger building with long high fuming smokestacks with thick grey smoke pouring out of them. At the very back was a series of three large warehouses with no windows but one very large door on each wing. The warehouses themselves were at least six stories high and the doors had to be about five. It was almost something like NASA would have to house the space shuttle. This aroused her curiosity and made her make a mental note to inquire about this further inside.
Entering the office complex she was stopped by security and asked for I.D. Once they verified who she was one of the large burly guards made a phone call to which a woman came out and identified herself as Jennifer, Mr. Guy’s secretary. As they walked through the first part of the complex into the second their heels clicked on the smooth linoleum floor. Once inside the second part of the complex they took an elevator up to the third floor. When the doors opened they both stepped out and Amanda was amazed to see how the décor changed in this new part. The floors were covered with red carpet and a large fountain in the center spouting water from three very large stone nude women. As the women made their way past this Amanda noticed an engraving on the statue that read “The Amazon is queen where mortal men walk.” At the end of the hallway through some oak doors they came to a reception area. The secretary asked Amanda to take a seat and went behind her desk to buzz what Amanda assumed to be the boss, or at least head of personnel. While sitting Amanda looked around and saw seven fancy doors all marked with initials and names of what she assumed to be the executives here. There was R. Howard, N. Archer, Z.Z.Z., H. Standard, H. Creek, M. Knight, and I. Guy. After about twenty minutes the door to I. Guy’s office opened and she saw him shake hands with an attractive black haired woman. The man then had his secretary take the woman into another part of the office and he called for Amanda to come in.
As the two women crossed paths they checked each other out. This other woman was wearing tan pumps with nude hose, and a green and grey tweed dress suit. She smiled politely at Amanda and followed the secretary away.
Amanda sat down at the large oak desk across from Mr. Guy and after some polite banter they got into the interview itself. The whole basic interview took about ten minutes which Amanda thought was a little odd. After all if they really were serious about her she assumed he would have asked more questions about her business experience and training. It was the last part of the interview that lasted for another hour. All kinds of odd questions about her past, her family, even her current social status. It seemed that this company was looking for someone with out attachments or ties of any kind. She asked if this was because the job entailed travel or long hours, to which he replied only that the work was long term and mentally and physically demanding. When asked to elaborate on this Mr. Guy simply said this stage of the interview was over and he felt she was a top prospect for the position he needed filled.
As Amanda left the office she was greeted by the secretary who escorted her through the same back doors that the previous woman had passed through shortly before. As the women made their way down another long hallway she could hear the oddest sounds coming from on of the corridors they passed. It sounded as a combination of moans and odd stretching and tearing sounds. The secretary just told Amanda to ignore them; some of the executives were watching a DVD of their new add campaign. After a few minutes the women entered what from the inside appeared to be one of the extremely large warehouses. Amanda was surprised to see the room was empty except for a long oak conference table with eight chairs around it, and a single glass and carafe of water. The secretary asked Amanda to sit down at the head of the table and await the board that would be in at any moment to finish the interview and vote on whether or not to hire her. The secretary then left and Amanda was now all alone in this massive space. She thought this was very peculiar, but had no idea how odd things were about to get.
Meanwhile in the next room this other woman was undergoing some changes that weren’t in the job description. Sweat poured out of her soaking her hair and nylons making them fell very uncomfortable. Along with that her stomach was doing flip flops and all her clothes were feeling more and more restrictive on her. She doubled over for a brief moment and when she stood back up she could tell her perspective had definitely changed. The table she stood before seemed smaller as did the group watching her with their sinister grins. She could feel her shoes pinching her feet and her skirt started to rise up her long tan legs. Just then as she quickly took in a deep breath, “pop!” the top button of her suit coat popped, Then with a snap so did the next one. She brought her trembling hands to her face and saw the skin rippling and pulsating like some balloon inflating. Her nail polish was cracking and flaking off her lengthening nails. The cuff of her jacket was rising up her arm revealing her hairs standing on end. The white of her bra was now visible with their cups slowly inflating with mounds of soft flesh. She looked down to see her toes exerting big pressure in the fronts of her pumps, “Crack” when with a loud cracking noise both burst open as the tan leather material split at the seams. Her feet pushed out and then her toes tore through the nude material of her nylons. “Shrip, Rip!” Runs quickly appeared on her calves and thighs and these runs soon grew into small tears, then gashes, as the material of her stockings could not contain the growing woman. Her hair now grew past her shoulders and as she shook her head form side to side her silver earrings shot out and dropped to the floor. Her tweed skirt now raised to mid thigh level and revealed beneath it the ruined hose that were destroying themselves in an attempt to keep up with their growing load. The last button on her coat shot off and she instinctively grabbed at the material to hold it closed and save her modesty. “Rip!” All this did was increase the pressure on the back and with a loud ripping noise the jacket tore open down the center. This revealed the back clasps of her white bra that was trying to remain closed. As she stood up at her new height of seven feet the shoulders stitching tore and the jacket fell away leaving this professional woman in only a miniskirt and straining bra. “Crack!” The back of her pumps split open and with her newly acquired weight the heels snapped and with a clunk she stood now on her bare feet which she could feel sliding across the red carpeted floor as her feet grew. “Shrip, pop!” She yelped as she felt a new breeze on her backside, the skirt she wore started tearing up the back to allow the movement of her immense thighs. The zipper also started to unzip itself on its own and the white of her panties was now visible. The panties were fast becoming a thong and her skirt continued to tear open now joined by rips at the front sides, when with a snap the garment fell away, soon followed by another snap and her useless panties. Now this twelve foot giantess only had a strained bra on for protection and this too was about to fail. The back clasp sprang open and her shoulder straps after digging into her shoulders snapped as the elastic material flailed about. The cups ruptured and the nylon elastic piece dropped to the floor as the woman continued to rise.
Once she hit the twenty five foot mark the man at the head of the table turned back to the others and said, “Now gentlemen, if you don’t mind we have another fine young and attractive candidate waiting for our attention in the next room.” The group of people rose from their seats and filed out of the room and as the last one left the thirty foot woman heard a hissing sound come from the approaching ceiling as a green gas seeped out of the pipes.
Amanda looked around the large cavernous room and thought how odd it was to have a conference room in what basically amounted to an empty warehouse, but with some touches to dress it up such as a thin layer of red carpeting and wooden paneling going one quarter of the way up the walls. She made her way around the room admiring the odd assortment of pop movie posters from the era of the fifties and sixties B movie flicks. There was one directly in front of her for “Village of The Giants” and to her left was an autographed “Attack of the 50ft Woman”. She continued to make her way around the room, placing one well manicured finger on the large wooden table as her heels clicked and clacked on the thin carpeting. As she approached the far end of the table she looked up with awe at the largest garage door she had ever seen in her life. It had to easily be five stories tall and twenty-five feet wide. As she craned her lovely smooth neck upwards she spotted an extremely large motor at the very top, with long grey pipes protruding from it going all the way across to the other side of the ceiling. She followed the pipes to their end where they all connected to a tank with the contents marked flammable.
She found at the end of the table when she reached it was a small plate with a card and her name written on the card. Directly in front of that was a pitcher of ice water and a single glass. The condensation was dripping down the cool glass pitcher and seemed to glisten in the light. Amanda parted her pink rose colored lips and licked the top one with her tongue as she proceeded to pick up the glass and pour herself a cool glass of water. After all it was somewhat hot in the large room and she was parched from all the talking during the interview. She held the glass with her left hand and grasped the pitcher in her right and poured a full glass of the water. Then she brought the glass up to her moist pink rose colored lips and gulped it down being careful not to spill any on her teal blouse or black pin striped suit coat. The water was not only cool and refreshing but had a sweet after taste that made her crave more. She reached out again with her right slender arm and clutched the pitcher with her smooth hand and well manicured nails to fill up the glass again, and repeated this process until the pitcher was drained of its contents. She placed the glass in her left hand down on the table and feeling a bit odd placed her hand to her belly. She felt a bit bloated but as she looked down to examine herself saw no visible signs and so just straightened her suit a little as her blouse came slightly un-tucked, probably due to all the arm movement. As she decided to finish her lap around the table she noticed that the next set of steps she took sounded a little bit louder with her heels clacking on the carpet then when she first entered the room. She quickly dismissed this as just a sign that the carpet was slightly more worn where her footsteps now fell.
September 14, 2007 at 10:41 am #60236Deadly Pixxxie
ParticipantI'd say put it on the backburner until you complete Growing Anxiety…
September 14, 2007 at 2:02 pm #60237gblock01
ParticipantI don't know… I kind of want to read the rest.
September 14, 2007 at 5:55 pm #60238rodman
ParticipantYes, This is a great beginning. Please continue.
Rodman, 8)September 14, 2007 at 11:29 pm #60239Hunter S Creek
ParticipantHey, Magnus! Thank you for sharing this cool story!
BTW — I especially appreciated the fact that the door belonging to one of the executives beared the same name upon it as my door bears! ;D
HunterSeptember 15, 2007 at 3:55 pm #60240Samurai
ParticipantYes, it does strike my curiousity. Can't wait for more.
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