Olivia Wilde in TRON

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    I don’t like her. I’d have sex with her if the opportunity miraculously arose, but I’d feel bad about it later.

    And then there’s this ridiculous story in today’s [dry heave] Parade Magazine:

    Robert McNay

    She’s usually very thin, but if you see her in TRON Legacy, she is more buff. The best comparison I can think of is the change that’s been noted in another thread about Christina Ricci. It might even be comparable to what Hilary Swank did for “Million Dollar Baby”, though not as cut.

    You can’t miss her build, the grid suits leave very little to the imagination. In her case, that’s a very nice thing. 🙂


    Since she’s suited up throughout the film, it’s difficult to really say she bulked up. It was more fun watching Rachel Nichols develop for G.I. Joe. Still, the movie was great. I’d watch it again, unlike Nolan’s Batfilms.

    Robert McNay

    Holiday wrote:

    Since she’s suited up throughout the film, it’s difficult to really say she bulked up.

    I never said she “bulked up”, her build got a more athletic and curvier than it usually is. If you’ve seen her in any other films, she is very thin normally. In the grid suits, she doesn’t have bulging or protruding muscles, but what she has a far more solid and shapely build.

    Like I said in my first post, its along the lines of what Christina Ricci has done. She doesn’t have muscles, but what she does have is a healthier, shaplier figure.


    Not to start my own thread, but here are a couple of movie promo ads i slighlty enhanced…if she had done just a bit more training.

    She was smoking hot in the movie though!!!


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