Oooh yeah.

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  • #1250

    an unknown anime muscle girl working out on youtube! 😉

    unfortunately only few seconds 😥

    This is from Living Sex Toy Delivery, a hentai anime. There many scenes more with the muscle girl, including bondage and not consensual sex.

    For those with AniDB accounts:


    I've just uploaded it to Megaupload as well. Here is the link:

    thank you very much!! 😀


    I remember a cartoon from Canada called freaky stories. Always opens with
    "It happened to a friend of a friend of mine" The episode was called "diet pills".
    All about a super model who takes some "diet pills" to stay thin but ends up blowing up like a baloon. In the end you see her shadow, then the lights come on and she's flexing some muscles.

    Anyone know about that cartoon "Beverly hills teens" episode with female muscle. What was the name of the episode or does anyone have any screen shots. If so contact me.

    ze fly

    Anybody remember the Police Academy animated series?  ??? There was this female wrestler called Phoenix Amazona in the episode: Worth her weight in gold.
      On another forum, fellow member Durdenite pointed out to this on you tube:


    some find on YT:

    here an ep of "Ranma 1/2" where Akane and Shampoo become superstrong (no muscle :'()

    here some clip of "Birdy the mighty" where the protagonist is a girl with superhuman abilities

    here clips from OAV "Maris the supergal" …title say everything 🙂 (the same author of Ranma

    unfortunately no muscle either 🙁

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Anybody remember the Police Academy animated series?  ??? There was this female wrestler called Phoenix Amazona in the episode: Worth her weight in gold.
      On another forum, fellow member Durdenite pointed out to this on you tube:

    That guy's a midget after my own heart. ;D


    Sweet Chuck's got good taste.  I don't know about anyone else…but Amazonia's voice is absolutely dreamy. ;D


    There's an episode of C.O.P.S. on YOUTUBE called
    "COPS – Case of the big boss's bye bye" the female muscle flexing is near the end of part 1 and the beginning of part 2.


    Anybody remember the Police Academy animated series?  ??? There was this female wrestler called Phoenix Amazona in the episode: Worth her weight in gold.
      On another forum, fellow member Durdenite pointed out to this on you tube:

    Believe it or not that episode came out on video.I bought mine at Suncost,But something was edited out.
    One of the old timers who collects femmuscle in cartoons ,Rich, used to hold,"femuscle in cartoon corner" on Iczerman's site. Stated that Phoenix did a close up a double Biceps flex in the Ring. but the 10 second was later removed. I remember that segment,now all she does is lift up her arms and than put them down. the "cut in" close up was removed.
    later in a 3 part episode they cover her becips flexing with a Jesse Ventura pink feather Bola.
    A crime !

    Zespara Alathar

    One of the old timers who collects femmuscle in cartoons ,Rich, used to hold,"femuscle in cartoon corner" on Iczerman's site. Stated that Phoenix did a close up a double Biceps flex in the Ring. but the 10 second was later removed. I remember that segment,now all she does is lift up her arms and than put them down. the "cut in" close up was removed.
    later in a 3 part episode they cover her becips flexing with a Jesse Ventura pink feather Bola.
    A crime !

    I've talked with Rich many times and we've discussed many such things including the time he worked on the Sinbad Jr TV show back in the '60's.  He was always trying to get females to gain muscle in all the things he worked on.  There was one episode where a female used the magic belt of Sinbad to gain a very muscular physique.  He said the episode was "Rainmaker Faker" but I bought the 16mm film of it and did not see anything although I had just a regular 8mm viewer to use which wasn't quite good enough.  The sequence might be on there but I'll have to have it transfered to either tape or DVD to find out for sure.


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