Oops, almost forgot…

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  • #16732
    David C. Matthews

    I blogged about this at my update site, but I also wanted to make a mention of it here.

    I didn't get as much drawing done during my trip to Austin as I wanted; in fact, all I was able to do was this black-and-white version of the next panel of Tetsuko:

    is now up.


    *sigh* Yes, Ms.Tetsuko, yours is indeed, a very cute face. And yes we are quite aware that it more than equalizes your physique, as awesome as it is. There is absolutely no need to point.

    David C. Matthews

    *sigh* Yes, Ms.Tetsuko, yours is indeed, a very cute face. And yes we are quite aware that it more than equalizes your physique, as awesome as it is. There is absolutely no need to point.

    Wait'll you find out why she's pointing… 😀


    Wait'll you find out why she's pointing… 😀

    Let me guess:

    "Give me your best shot, big man"

    Nice drawing btw DCM

    David C. Matthews

    Let me guess:

    "Give me your best shot, big man"

    Not in those exact words, but you are correct, sir!

    David C. Matthews

    (Actually, I guess I should go ahead and note the posting of the new version of Tetsuko #2 pg. 10, in case you're reading this from an "unread posts" link and haven't seen the update to the first post in this thread.)

    ze fly

    😀 Great! This is a good start. Now what about a caption contest:

    For my part I'd say "Look higher: here… Now give it a try on the shin!"


    **I think** DeGoff is going to be needing a new fist, soon . . .  😎

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Thank you for letting us know about the changes that you have made, dear David. I's saw no fault in the original but who are we to argue with your Msue and Creative Vision.
    Kudos to you.
    The Pimp NeonBlack

    Muscle Growth Nut

    I can just imagine what she's going to say after he fails: "I broke your nose last time — imagine what I can do to you now!"

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