Original She-Hulk Comic Art Images

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    It has been a while, but I finally have added some new artwork worthy to preview here once again. These are the original pencil and inked pages used to make the comic book.

    Jennifer Walters is the one true babe you DO want to make angry and here are some great examples of her pretty upset,

    You can almost hear the Judge yelling “your out of order”……..

    She-Hulk holding back Hercules, no easy task to say the least.

    And this one is just her going through her wardrobe about as fast as she can. No complaints.

    I feel I get to see more of her definition in the images, before the colour is added, which is why She-Hulk is a favourtie of mine in this medium.


    Dorian – not as in Yates, by any chance?

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    ze fly

    AlexG wrote:

    Dorian – not as in Yates, by any chance?


    Seriously, that’s some cool art you got here, thanks for sharing! 🙂


    Dorian Yates? Not if you took five of me a mashed them all together. 😉
    But that would be a great team up for the She-Hulk would it not?

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