Originus -A Dyna fan fiction

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    This is a work for our dear David C. Matthews, based upon his own creation, Dyna the Dynamite Damsel.

    This is how the universe and the Gods did come into existence.

    I's do owe much to Wikipedea for this tale. Especially for the names of the Great Old Ones, whcih are borrowed from Lovecraftian and Neo-Lovecraftian mythos, as well as for the true and proper Greek Mythology and God names.

    So, I's do hope that ya'll enjoy this most faulted work.



    A Dyna the Dynamite Damsel Fan Fiction

    For David C. Matthews
    "O’ Muses sing through me so I may tell of this Tale of Beginnings and of how We are all destiny to die. . ."

    And so the Great Omniverse was forged through the Maelstrom of the Great Chaos that bore all Existence into being.

    All far flung matter cooled and took on myriad form.

    Galaxies formed and shattered, only to raise again to die

    Stars swirled and burnt, before becoming mere cosmic embers and motes once more.

    Planets coalesced, brung forth Life unfathomable, only to become the food for things greater.

    All this would go unnoticed by their consumers.

    Beings from the very Dawn of Existence; so old even the Eldest of the Sentients whispered them as Ancient. Devourers of Worlds. Leviathans of the Great Cosmos. Destroyers of All.

    Creatures of such enormity that entire stars burnt and vanished in the span it took them to form a thought. Primordial entities of such mass and magnitude that life was driving to utter madness if they eve attempted to fathom their shape and existence.

    From such great and powerful beasts, many fears and legends were born. As well as Life.

    It is said that one of these Great Ancients did graze upon a cosmos and the flakes that fell formed Yggdrasill, The Great World Tree, which would spawn the Life Worlds of the Fierce Æsir, Vanir and Jotun. Yet another Great Ancient, in order to slake it’s monstrous appetite, did devour the systems of Shivatara, Vishnuot and Bramhesh but was battled against by the life forms of those regions -so as punishment It did form the Samsaria, the Great Wheel of Life, Death and Continued Rebirth- so it could constantly feed itself. Others were born of the Cosmic Egg and the Rivers of the Stars and Suns did they carry between the Realms of Existence & Non and Sunkeepers was Their Name.

    Though it was the greatest and most enigmatic of these Great Ancients who did the most dangerous act of all.

    It began to develop a mind and will beyond feeding and surviving and questioned It’s own existence within the Omniverse and all Realms within.

    It did utter the first Great Sin and that was to create beasts in it’s own mind and image -but less in scale and power.

    From this spawn, yet more were beget and this plague did spread across the Omniverse, infecting many worlds, civilisations and dimensions. Untold horror was unleashed and so these monsters were named Great Old Ones or The Black Sin of Ancient. Numerous as the very stars they were and with them came naught but death and destruction.

    Though from this, the Great Ancient did learn and made of Itself new life, with Will, Mind and Flesh their own as well as desires and destiny that they could shape of their own accord.

    Foremost of these new spawn were the Protogenos and their leader, Ouranos, called Sky Father because he’s very form was so enormous and unfathomable.

    And like his Sire, Ouranos did too have Mind and Desire to know his place amongst the Omniverse and of himself he did beget the Titanes Theoi, the Straining Ones, Six Sons and Six Daughters, and crowned the youngest born, Kronos, their leader.

    But strong was the desire born within these new beasts and Kronos crave the position and powers of his Sire. Making overtures towards his siblings that they should defeat and replace their Elders and set forth the take the Realms given for themselves.

    Seeing this, Ouranos did seek to quell this would be rebellion and sought to seal his progeny with the Void of Tartaricous -the Empty World- for he did not have the Will nor the Heart to destroy that which he did birth and create.

    Such would be his undoing, for Kronos, now mad with his desire for his Sire’s power, did escape his would-be exile and ally himself with many of the Great Old Ones -whom had grown fat and powerful from their demonous plundering- and one by one did they undo and possess the power of the Protogenos until only Ouranos did remain.

    Such a furious battle did Sire and Progeny have, that the Realm and Galaxy was split asunder and all life within was nulled and all was left barren.

    And so great Kronos did make a weapon of these shatters Worlds and use it to carve his Sire apart, rending him of his power of Life and Creation and cast him into the Void which is own Sires, The Great Ancients, did leave in their wake.

    From such an act of brazen and wanton destruction and theft of the Powers Creative were born and formed the offspring of Kronos, the Olypmious -Three Sons and Three Daughters, the latest progeny of Powers Ancient.

    And in these new Progeny, Kronos could see much of his own Sire and fearing a repeat of cycles past, thus he did seek to absorb his progeny and retake them back into his own great form so that his power would be complete and absolute.

    But quick and cunning were his enemies and the enemies of the Great Old Ones, Black Sin of Ancient, and so they did spirit away the eldest and most powerful of Olympious, Zeus, and take him to the Realm of the Idarious where he was raised and trained in the ways of those Ancient Born and schooled in the methods and arts that would allow him to destroy the Great Old Ones, Black Sin of Ancient, and release his siblings from the belly of his Sire, great Kronos.

    And did the galaxies turn and Zeus did find himself ready for his battle.

    Taking the disgust of a lowly server, Zeus did enter the presence of his Sire and feed unto him a great venom which caused him to dispel his progeny, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Hestia and Poseidon.

    Weakened, Kronos was easily defeated by his united progeny and his allies were cast back into the Void they themselves had created by the devouring of Worlds, but not truly defeated, as they sunk away into the Eternal Endless.

    And so the rule and power had been left to the Olympious, as if it were the very will of the long dispersed Ouranos, but what a shattered and broken Realm they did inherit and thus they made their Minds and united Wills to find a new Realm to rule and reside.

    For endless aeons they did travel, until, weakened, they did reach a planet on which teemed much life. It all did fascinate them, especially the strange and wily walking Apes that did call themselves Man. Whose minds and beliefs that did find did strengthen and empower them greatly.

    But lo, the Olympious were not the only ones of Ancient to find this Realm and Planet.

    Others had travelled far to claim it as their own and this World has also spawned its own progeny and protectors, World Born spirits of mischief and warding. Born of the World Under and rulers there, watching up above the children of their Mother Planet and plying their own wills and games upon them, as well as squabbling amongst themselves for such petty lands and controls.

    The Children of Samsaria did come, after waging their own war against the Great Old Ones, Black Sin of Ancient, and came exhausted from their former battles.

    They were joined by the Yggdrasill and Its own progeny, made mighty by their own wars on the other Progeny of the Great Ancients and their Black Sin but made weak but the said same.

    The Sunkeepers too did step out of the Realms of the Dead to claim the fresh harvest of Souls and Spirits.

    Others too did join the fray and laid their claims on this virgin world and all life within and upon.

    And so a war was waged to claim and reclaim this new World, but all were too weak to sustain a prolonged campaign and thus a truce was formed and territory founded and divided.

    And to the Olympious was given the territories of the Middle World -mountains, sky and sea- as well as the World Beneath, taken from the World Born.

    To Mighty Poseidon was given the realms of Land and Sea and all beasts within.

    To Benevolent and Possessive Hades was given the Underworld and the guardianship all Souls faithful and wicked.

    And to Proud Zeus was granted the Mountains and the Heavens and the Rule of all things within his land.

    And so he built himself a palace and a monument and called It Olympus, the Holy Mountain and focal of all the Worldly power of the Olympious.

    So, form both this new World and the fading power of the Great Ancient, the Olympious did seek to make their own progeny hut raise them as their humans followers would their own children.

    Poseidon did turn his energy and his passion to forming great creatures, beasts and monsters to both bless and curse mankind.

    Hades, lonely and covetous in his great Underworld, did offer his heart to beauteous Persephóne, daughter of Demeter and she did join him in his kingdom, bearing him twins, male and female, whom he jealously protected and raised as his own two heirs.

    Passionate Zeus had many lovers and many wives, aside from his own sister born Hera, and a myriad of progeny -God, Demi and mortal- were born.

    So amongst the myriad were born the twins Apollo and Artemis, who possessed the mantle of Sun and Moon; Aphrodite, who took the twain mantles of Love and Lust into her bountiful bosom; Hêphaistos, whom was fashioned keeper and maker of all great technology and machines, Hermeis, who became keeper of boundaries and territories for the Olympious as well as traveller and messenger for all. Then was born Ares, formed of both the burning bloodlust of warlike man and the Gods whom they did follow and it was from he and his human followers that rivers of blood were loosed.

    To temper his wayward son, Zeus did birth Athena pure from his own mind, armed and fully formed, ready to stay her brother’s bloodlust and warfury.

    She was given the realm of strategy and the mind, as well as arts and cunning.

    Many were her realms and gifts and much jealousy did she garner from her siblings.

    Great too was her passion and respect for the humans who did worship and feed the Olympious, as they did all the Alien Deities. But still was she tempered and tainted like her siblings and great were her passions and her furies.

    To temper her, Zeus did father gentle Dionysus, to bridge the divide between Man and their Gods. But he did turn his back on his Ancient heritage and chose to live amongst mortals, seeking to easy their lives with music, madness and liberation. And so he slipped away from his kind and the bridge did crumble.

    And so these new Gods did work their own will upon Man and his progeny.

    Well known to your mortal kind are the tales and misdeed the passionate and wrathful Gods did wreak upon your ancient kind, so here they shall not be repeated, excepting to say that what that was said is the utter truth and mainly the imagining of you lesser beings.

    Though what was unknown to your kind is the falling of Great Olympus.

    It is said that the vengeance of the Straining Ones is great, even from their Tartarian Prison, and long did they seek to loose their wrath upon long vanquished Ouranos and his grand-progeny, whom had robbed them of their brother.

    The Great Old Ones, Black Sin of Ancient, too did return to seek their revenge against the Olympious, grand-progeny of Ouranos, as well as the Children of Yggdrasill, the God-like Æsir, lead by Odin the All-Father -with whom they had battled and lost to aeon before. They all set their many and formless eyes on all creatures whom did call this planet home -be they Ancient Born, Earth Wombed or origin other.

    But it was humans that did intrigue the bestial Old Ones the most and the minds and beliefs that they had.

    Just as those Ancient Born did feed off the Beliefs and Worship of these humans, the Black Sin of Ancient did feed upon the fears and nightmares of these marvellous creatures and from them they grew new and different shapes.

    With these new forms, they drew new names -now called such things as The Unspeakable One, The Slumbering Ancient, That Which Should Never Be, Haunter of Dreams and The Burrower Beneath. Great Khlûl'hloo and vast Hastur were their spear and shield. And in the minds of humans they did sleep and dwell, until they were strong enough to emerge forth and devour as they once did.

    Fat and complacent the Ancient Born Gods did become, unaware of the changing lives and cultures of their human worships and the raising of strange new gods, born of their own image and power, yet weaker and more Earth-bound then their faltering sires from whom they were fashioned.

    Apollo was vain and proud as well as lusting and wrathful -too much of his own grand-sire within. His twin Artemis had grown cold and distrustful of the World of Men and spent her days on Earth, away from the affairs of Olympus, in the company of her womenkind, teaching them all her arts and plying her anger against the ruling sex. The constant warring and feuding of the tribes of Man had fuelled the power and bloodlust and he out grew the leash that his father Zeus had put on him. Aphrodite had fallen to the lusts that she did formerly inspire and had thrown herself deep into the hedonism of humans. So now alone stood noble Athena, yet powerless against the decay which she saw all around her, even as she stood at her loving father’s side.

    Lost was her brother, Dionysus, and the connection that she did have to the Realm of Mortals. He had slipped beyond the Olympious boarders, out of the eyes of swift Hermeis. And with him went his music and madness and noble Athena was left cold and drew closer to her father’s falling side.

    Hades, all embracing, grew cold within his dark kingdom, despairing at the World above and the hate and despair that were inflicted upon him. Soon he would shut his gates and dry up the Styx, setting Cerberus and Charon to guard the Gates until such time as he and his family would be of need.

    Poseidon did choose to sink beneath the waves and leave behind the land to Man and his beasts, but would take great joy in both terrorising and aiding the Men of the Sea.

    Even proud Hera had outgrown the lusts and company of her husband-brother and did set herself to wither within Gaia’s groves, while her sisters Demeter and Hestia did tend to the needs of Man and fattened them as Man would his own cattle.

    And so Zeus did find himself alone amongst his brethren and progeny when the end did come.

    Long ago had his cult crumbled and his followers fallen. Gone was the Civilisation that he had fosters, they had all been conquered, reconqeured and vanquished by other empires spurred on by the blood promises of Ares and his minions. Now his kingdom stood as dust and memory and his power was set to fade into all antiquity.

    Though Great Fate was to play It’s final Hand against the Olympious and cast all plans and powers aside.

    And so loosed was the vengeance of the Great Old Ones, Black Sin of Ancient, as they emerged from the Great Abyss, bridged by Minds of Men and the Nightmares within.

    And so Proud Zeus, bringing of great lightning, Master of the Heavens, Father to Earthborn Gods, stood upon the parapet contemplating his Fate and Future when he heard the great Screaming of Rending Madness as the Abyss was breached by the Black Sin of Ancient, born anew into a World fit to devour.

    The first to enter the fray was great Khlûl'hloo, who did step from the burning sea and stretch It’s giant wings. Blackening the sky as it loosed screams of mindless horror.

    To follow swift was formless Hastur and then Y'golonac, who’s headless form step from the Abyssal plane with Its mouthed palms outstretched gaping to consume. Yibb-Tstll soon followed, Its leather wings crashing against the Olympian ramparts, Its endless patience broken by the great promises of flesh divine. All the Great Old Ones, Black Sin of Ancient, did spew and pawn from the great Maw of Chaos, and furious Summanus did close the breach, as he strode up the very side of unconquerable Olympus.

    Against the cries of chaos, Proud Zeus stood firm and did throw down his mighty bolts against these nightmarish invaders. Hêphaistos did tear rocks from off the wall and hurl them down, as well as pour the very fires of his forge down upon the bestial wormfiends that did wind their withering forms around the base of the great mountain, hoping to shake it from its very foundations. Helios did ride his burning chariot through the reddening heavens, battling all the winged terrors that Chaos did spawn forth while his daughter Circe used her powers of transformation to attempt to turn ruin into victory.

    But she were be the first to fall, devoured by the ceaseless maws of The Twin Obscenities, Zhar & Lloigor, and soon other lesser Gods would be soon to follower.

    The Star nymph Cassiopeia was slain by Atlach-Nacha who was in turn slain by Cassiopeia’s star daughter, Andromeda, who was felled by the great lizard Bokrug.

    Higher the Black Sin of Ancient did claim the Holy Mountain.

    Though their numbers greatly dwindled since their first great war with the Olympious and Æsir they had grown potent on the fears and nightmares of many minds and many worlds. And swarm and consume the foothills of Olympus and clashed against the armies of the nymphs, satyrs and all spirits of land and nature, their monstrous bodies writhing and wailing over the crumbling rocks.

    Perseus, on top of steady Pegasus, was devoured by spanless Yibb-Tstll who in turn was struck down by a bolt from Zeus, who did avenge his son.

    Swift Hermeis, fleetest of all Gods, did dart about the sky, luring vile Iod into the snare of wrathful Hera and buring Cthugha into the leathered and crushing embraced of fiery Hêphaistos before knocked to Earth by the serpent king Yig. To be carried up by Eros and Psyche and born away by Zephyrus, the West Wind.

    Dauntless Herakles, wild with passion and with bloodlust, did throttle the great serpent Yig as if it were the two serpents sent to end his life at birth, only to have great Khlûl'hloo fall upon him and mighty Herakles was devoured by the Lord of Madness, Great Slumbering God, Itself.

    And soon great Khlûl'hloo had scaled dauntless Olympus and thrust himself upon proud Zeus. With a mighty scream in the face of this maddening beast, Zeus did hurl himself upon his dismal, sickening foe. Only to find himself entwined in the endless feelers and tentacles that did usher for from the very face of madness. Great Khlûl'hloo did try to feed upon Proud Zeus, now cowered and wounded, but with a great trembling of the Earth, Poseidon did join the fray.

    Though he was bloody and wounded by his battle with the Deep Ones, whom did emerge from his Sea Kingdom, turning all the waters of Earth redder then the blood of Men, he rose the very Ocean to come to his brother’s aid.

    He drove his trident into flank of Mother Hydra and cast it down the great Mountain, stepping over his withering body as he assailed the legions of Chaos.

    But Poseidon too was struck down, as burning Summanus did turn from his assault on Eos, driving his betentacled arm deep within Poseidon’s stirring breast. Though it was not before Poseidon did cause the earth to open and the waves to consume them and allowed himself and his slayer to be swallowed by Mother Medea.

    Distracted by the fray below, Great Khlûl'hloo did turn with the noise and did expose his flank to Apollo’s arrow. Piercing It where Its neck should be. Great Khlûl'hloo did reel back, opening it’s vast belly, which Athena did sink her spear, whilst her follower, Nike, did cut Father Zeus free of the clasping beast burning tendrils. As Great Khlûl'hloo did spill It’s black blood upon the Throne of Gods, fearless Artemis did cease the great beast and wrestle free her father, now battered and bleed from the burnings of the beast.

    With all his might, Proud Zeus did cast Great Khlûl'hloo down from the crest of Olympus and watched as bloody Ares, upon his chariot of bone, swoop down leading a flight of winged Erinyes to feast upon the lesser spawn of The Black Sin of Ancient.

    Thinking that victory and glory were their’s, Zeus did lead his Olypmious children from the shattered summit to crush the Spawn of Chaos, Children of the Abyss, Bringers of Nightmare, Black Sin of Ancient.

    With a crash, the combatants fell against each other, form against withering form but alas, for it was all but a trap.

    For The Great Formless One X'chll'at-aa, Father of Great Khlûl'hloo, Originator of Chaos, did make Itself known.

    It did tear open a rift in Time and Space, ushering in Its screams of rendering madness as the Void was brought to the Realms of Men and Earth.

    With the last of his Godly and Ancient Power, Proud Zeus did break free of the ceaseless terror of X'chll'at-aa and did attempt to clasp upon it with the last of his might.

    Athena did endeavour to save her father but felt the cold grasp Hades as he did drag her and her siblings into his cold embrace. Ares did cry and struggle as Hades did draw him into a realm devoid of Time. Artemis and Apollo did yield and relinquish the fight, while Hera seemed to fall to Byatis and Hêphaistos to Ythogtha.

    With the last of his strength, Proud Zeus did call out through Time and Space and Ancient Ouranos did reach out from his cold exile and wreak his final vengeance. He did draw into the Void X'chll'at-aa and all Its bitter spawn. Great Khlûl'hloo uttered a final scream of horror as it was sucked within the Abyss.

    All those Great Old Ones, Black Sin of Ancient, wounded and those yet living were to drawn back to the Abyss wrought by X'chll'at-aa. Those that were not returned to the Yawning Void were sucked beneath churning red waves, the voiding sea now would there prison be. Some of the Lessor Horrors did escape and flee to the Realms under the many mountains or back to the minds which first spawned them.

    And thus might Olympus, Holy Mountain of Great Gods, was shattered and silent.

    Destruction wrought upon it face and crown, much as though it were its former Lord, Proud Zeus, who’s broken remains lay crumbled upon his fractured Throne.

    And so did the Gods pass out of Time and Mind of the Mortals whom did worship and obey them, now to follow new Gods and old ways.

    And so the World did turn to darkness and New Gods did arise in the image of the old, only to find themselves too overthrown by those who would follow. Unknowingly following the Path set forth by the Great Ancient.

    Until we come to this modern ages, where, with a great cry of thunder, Noble Athena did find herself amongst the ruins and remains of once Mighty Olympus.

    For her, time had not changed and her last scream, for her Father long departed, still stuck in her throat.

    When her shrill had past and passing of Time and Reality had sunk into her clear and cunning mind, did she beg to wonder.

    “What hast happened here?” she did ask, not aware at first what her tongue did utter.

    “Destruction happened, dear Sister,” came a too familiar voice, bitter and bloodstained. “Unglorious and unregarded Destruction. Monument to a Fool who tried too hard and reached too far, only to taste his final end.”

    To such an insult to her great and mighty Father, Athena did stir and turn to look into the sneering face of her brother Ares.

    But it was not the Ares that she remembered from her former days on Earth.

    Gone was his armour of skin and steel.

    Absent was his bloody warpaint and removed bone threaded through his gore-drenched hair.

    Missing were his swords, spears and shields.

    In their place was a strange grab of barbarian pants and a short tunic, spliced down the middle and joined with small coins and tokens.

    Though his hair was still blood dark and long, it was drawn back and bound as if he were one of her own warrior maidens, strong Daughters of Nike.

    Strange adornments and trinkets still he bore, such as his rings of skulls and pendant made from Talon of a Great Old One, doubtless a memento of the battle just past.

    “Where is Father?!” she demanded, as she squared herself against her brother.

    “He is here,” Ares did say, as he cast his arm behind to, to the dusted remains behind her.

    “You lie!” she screamed, as she stepped forward to strike.

    It was at that moment that a woman stepped between them, her bearing strong and protective.

    From her sight and smell, Athena knew that this was a mortal woman but no mortals were allowed to defile Holy Olympus.

    Athena swore that she shall be dealt with after her brother had been chided.

    “Where is Father?” Athena did repeat, through her bared teeth.

    “Here,” Ares did repeat.

    “Do not li. . .!” Athena did begin, but he tongue was swiftly silence.

    “Ares does not lie, dear Athena,” interrupted another voice.

    She turned to see fierce Apollo across the ruins, yet he too was not how she did remember him.

    Gone was his toga and vestments, now dirty robes did adorn his once noble figure.

    Filthy was his hair, as it hung bedraggled about his sharp and fiery face.

    Those lips that did bring such exquisite poetry were now cracked and jaded and those finger that did pluck the sweet lyre now stained and stubbed.

    “You have slept too long, dear Athena,” Apollo did say, as he tossed his filthy locks about. “Too long have you lain in Hypnos’ Embrace, at the bidding of our Uncle, Hades. Too long have you slept, dear sister.”

    “Slept?” Athena did query.

    “We have all slept, Pallas Athena,” said a new voice, this female of tongue and taint. “Yet you laid too long and thus the World has changed around you.”

    Athena was most glad to see that her sister remained unchanged.

    Her virgin vigour still upon her cheeks. Limbs hewn for sport and hunting. Her garb still that of a huntress in flight; her quiver still upon her back.

    But she had a madden, sad look upon her brow and within her eyes.

    As though she had been raped of something most precious.

    And then everything did fall within Athena’s mind and all began to make some final sense.

    “How long have I slept?” she did ask. “How long have we all slept?”

    “How long is an aeon, Pallas Athena?” Artemis did ask in return. “How long an Age? How long an Epoch?”

    Athena bit her human shaped lips, still with virgin’s flush, and glowered at her broken sibling.

    “What madness was wrought here?” was all she could ask.

    “The madness of Ancients and Vengeance long undone,” came a final voice, this one fractured and unfamiliar.

    She did turn her head to face a man, old and broken.

    Clothed in the same strange and foreign manner as Ares and Apollo, yet there was a mark of the familiar about him.

    She did look upon him with the full faculties of her sharp mind and noticed, upon his crushed leg, the wings that Zeus himself had fashioned.

    “Hermeis?” she said, with bitter shock. “What happened to thee?”

    “The Great Serpent’s poison proved to great for him,” Apollo laughed, as if the misery of their brother were some grand humour. “And he did not sleep as we did but was forced to dwell within the Realm of Men and age and live as they do.”

    Again, Apollo laughed and tossed about his dirt smeared fringe.

    “What has happened to you all?!” Athena did cry. “What has caused such change within and without?!”

    “The changing of the World, dear sister,” Ares’ did sneer. “And we being of this World must change along with it.”

    He laughed his dry old laugh and said until her: “You will accept this or you shall die.”

    “If Father were here. . .” Athena did begin.

    “But he’s not!” Ares did roar. “Nor is your precious Dionysus or loyal Nike!”

    Ares drew himself to his form that Athena did so remember.

    That of fury and fire.

    Where he did reign of his terror and slaughter so many to slake his bloodlusts.

    “Loyal Hera lies in ruins and Poseidon has sunk within his own Sea,” Ares did rave. “Dead is Dauntless Herakles, vanished has ravenous Aphrodite and her son Eros, with too his wife Psyche. Even the great Titans have faded and we are all that remain. In this new World, whose Men have forgotten us if not for the myths and tales that did fashion after our memory and our legacy of lesser Gods.”

    “Then why are we here?” Athena did ask. “Why are we who remain all met?”

    “You always did cut straight to the marrow, did you not, sister?” Ares did laugh. “Very well then, I shall tell her.”

    Then Ares did turn and clasp his hands behind him in a manner that did not seem his own.

    He did turn upon his heel, which was clad in some strange leather bindment, and turn his back upon her, to stare if but for a moment upon his mortal companion.

    “The Great Old Ones, they who did seek out end, are returning to this World,” Ares did say, casting an eye over his shoulder.

    “And?” Athena did ay. “We shall cast them back to the Void as was done before.”

    “It shall not be easy as that, dear sister,” Ares did taunt.

    “You think not?” she did retort.

    “Our powers were not as they once were,” Ares did say. “And gone are our legions, temples and worships. Gone are the great cities which we built and destroyed. Gone is our glory and our pride.”

    Athena regarded her brother with great suspicion and said nothing.

    She noted also how her remaining siblings. As if their minds had long been made up on this matter and all that was left was protocol and compunction.

    “The Great Old Ones do feed off the minds -the fears and nightmares- of Men and long has they grown fat from them as they have suffered in the Void,” Ares did continue.

    Again, Athena remained cautiously quiet.

    “And so we shall turn their food against them,” Ares did conclude, with a wrathful haste.

    “How?” Athena did ask.

    “But taking control of them, of course!” Ares did spat.

    “You cannot mean enslaving them?!” Athena did gasp.

    So, it was true that her brother had changed as the World had changed.

    Never would he have had such dreams.

    He only dreamt of conquest and of slaughter. Bloodlust and mayhem.

    The Ares that she long knew would have been more then content with throwing himself into a battle, until he stood upon the shattered bodies of his foes.

    Never would anything so grandiose yet so barbaric have entered his raving mind.

    Times had indeed changed and not for any betterment she did find.

    “Why not?” Ares did rave and spit. “They are but cattle for us and for our enemy! Better that we control them and bend them to our will. ‘’Tis easier to poison the wells than it is slaughter the sheep’!”

    Athena could not believe what she was hearing and she was more outraged that the others did say nothing against it.

    “If Father were alive. . .” Athena did state again.

    “He’s not!” Ares did howl. “His dust doth lie here and his bones are now but stone! There is no one to take his kingdom or his crown, what be left of them! And this World thinks that they do not need us any more!”

    “And you shall prove them wrong, dear brother?” Athena said, darkly.

    “Naturally,” Ares growled. “When I am through with them, they shall be begging for our return. So, this brings me to our point, dear sister, shall you join me?”


    “Shall you join me? In this endeavour? In our revenge?”

    “Have they?”

    Athena cast her bare arm out to indicate her silent siblings.

    “No,” Ares replied, quietly. “They do abstain from this endeavour and so it shall be left to you and I, dear sister.”

    “I shall not aid you in this madness,” Athena muttered, darkly.

    “You stand aside then?” Ares did ask.

    “I stand against you!” Athena did rasp.

    “Shall you now?”

    Ares was strangely calm in th face of Athena aversion.

    He did turn again and say: “Then I shall make a wager with you, dear sister, if you do manage to stop my plans, then I shall step aside and leave our great vengeance to you.”

    “And if you should win?” Athena did ask.

    “Then you life and power shall be forfeit to me,” Ares did say.

    Athena regarded her crazed brother cold because she assented and said: “Then it shall be, dear brother.”

    Smugly, Ares did nod and vanish, along with his mortal consort.

    Apollo, Artemis and Hermeis too did disappear and Athena found herself alone in the howling winds of her shattered home.

    In their absence, Athena did feel her own godly tears well up and the weight of Ages fall upon her broad and silky shoulders.

    What am I to do? She did ask of herself. I know nothing of this Age or the plans that Ares has long since wrought. Who knows how far he has come and how long he hast lived in this strange new Age?

    As her Goddess tears began to fall, she heard a gentle laughter float across the ruins.

    She looked up to see a scruffy mortal smiling at her.

    Long was his hair, straight about his waist it hung, and long too was his beard.

    Upon his back was strapped what appeared to be an oversized lute and he wore the same manner of garb as Apollo but more frayed and worn.

    In his hand did he hold what seemed to be a bottle or vessel of some form and from it did usher forth the faint sent of fomented grapes. A wine if not anything else.

    “Dionysus!” she did weep, as she bounded across the shattered ground.

    But when she reached where he stood, he too had vanished. In his stead were her shield and spear, as well as an owl who looked upon her with bright almond eyes.

    She looked upon her former possessions in puzzlement before she once again took up her Medusa headed shield.

    From which did fall a most peculiar item.

    It was a mortal’s belt.

    Large and ornate.

    Instantly did she recognise the hand of Hêphaistos and new this belt as that of champions and heroes.

    Then she new her plans, as she did in her Days of Old.

    From amongst the mortals shall she chose a great champion.

    One blooded from both Gods and Men, who’s heart was pure and mind noble.

    To them shall Noble Athena entrust this gift and Fate of all Men and for themselves shall they chose their Destiny. As it has always been.

    And thus she did take the most ancient of mantles and did set loose her Owl to find her champion.

    And thus we are here and thus all begins.

    O Muse sing through me how we came to Be and how we shall all be save, God & Mortal alike”.

    I liked that the Old Ones required an ecosystem of fear for form and sustenance. Makes them even MORE alien and weird as if the strange things that mankind misinterpreted them as within HPL's fiction were merely the warped reflections of their own nightmares.

    The foreshadowing to Ares own champion is quite potent.

    Also the handicap of Athena having to adapt to the modern world against Ares long exposure to history is quite inspired. Evenly matched in such a gambit Athena would have sure victory except now Ares has had precious time to plan.

    Ares' id monster tooth trophy is just bad ass  8) .

    Here's hoping Dyna's creator and the character's many fans get as much of a kick out of this as I had.

    Thanks for sharing this Neon. You keep writing and I'll keep reading.


    Well, PNB, great hearing from you after all this time.  The fanfiction…

    Uh… yeah.

    Ponderous, man.  Really ponderous.

    Them's pretty big words, too.

    To fess up, I've never been a big fan of H.P. Lovecraft.  And I found your story… erm… a bit hard to follow.

    I guess that means on that count that I'm still a "guy on the street" style writer… a "plate glass" writer, so I'm not exactly able to get 100% into the "stained glass" writing style of this work.

    I also had a bit of trouble rectifying the act of a God creating smaller beings in His own image… as a Grand First Sin.  Sorta made it hard to enjoy the rest.

    Still… it's a contribution, all right. 

    David C. Matthews

    I should say something here, if only to acknolwledge that I've seen it. I'm still in the process of whipping my "Last Ride of the Valkyries" script into shape for entry into a couple of screenplay competitions, so it'll probably be a few days before I can read "Origin" in depth and give an informed opinion. But I do want to say "thank you!" for all the obvious work that went into this piece.

    And I am a Lovecraft fan, so seeing the commingling of the gods of Greek myth and the shambling terrors of HPL should prove interesting.

    More later.

    Oh, and welcome back, TPNB!

    David C. Matthews

    I guess that means on that count that I'm still a "guy on the street" style writer… a "plate glass" writer, so I'm not exactly able to get 100% into the "stained glass" writing style of this work.

    Sounds like you and I read the same Isaac Asimov essay. ;D


    Uh… actually…

    ^^;;; … I read the side notes on your Tetsuko drawings.


    I think this is an interesting back-story into the creation of Dyna. It would seem that the goodly Athena has an ulterior motive and purpose for the red-headed heroine, and that makes things more interesting.

    Thanks for the good work, sir!


    Nice start so far, Pimp.

    I like how much depth and breadth you've got goin in the storyline so far.  Definitely adds to an epic quality that should pay off in teh subsequent chapters.

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