Ozzy’s women.. (some nudity)

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  • #70347

    hmm… i ll think about it more seriously

    and a new one!


    hmm… i ll think about it more seriously

    and a new one!

    Hope I didn't discourage you, I would like to see you go for it.

    Did you cute ink for the black area? Looks good


    More great pictures there, Ozzy! I, for one, wouldn't mind paying for your art, but I don't think I would be interested in paying a lot of money for the original artwork, unless I had specifically commissioned it or you hadn't already scanned and posted it.

    I have one suggestion you could try while you work out where you want take this whole thing. Why not start an art blog similar to what FemXman did? http://femxgirls.blogspot.com/

    You could charge on a per picture basis like FemXman does, or you could make your pictures freely available and ask people to donate whatever they thought they were worth, through PayPal.

    You could also use this site to advertise custom commissions, original artwork, or ebay auctions. There's always the advertising option as well.

    As to what to charge for custom commissions, most artists seem don't seem to advertise a fixed rate, but rather negotiate each job individually. I would think about how long an average takes a picture to draw and how much your time is worth. I've also heard of artists auctioning off a custom commission on ebay. So people bid on the chance to have a commission drawn and the winner gets to choose what he wants drawn afterwards. This would give you an idea of what people are willing to pay for your services.

    Anyway, whatever you decide, I guarantee that you'll have at least one loyal customer  ;)!



    first of all, a little sketch

    then, thanks guys for your interest and propositions, there indeed a lot of posibility

    it is sure that i will not demand a lot for sketchs who are already on this site, i just wonderded if some of you would like to buy the originals of them, we can talk about the price

    why not pass by e bay, too? for a sketch who already exist, or for a commission

    a command, just for one person, is possible, a new sketch just for him, but it will probably cost a little much but i don't think i ll be able able to do anything, nor wanted to . try and ask me!

    i m thinking about my own site too, or deviant art, or lh art…
    i will depend of the demand too…

    and, red silver, i m not sure i ve understood what you said: what means "cute"? the black is just felts



    first of all, a little sketch

    Sounds good. Hope you tell us more, if you put them up on Ebay.

    Saying "cute" is the same as saying it's nice. Kind of got it from being in the Anthromorph(Some times known as furries. Pretty much animals with human bodies, like Looney Toons or Donald Duck) community  I guess.



    first of all, a little sketch

    I really love this one. The most muscular is one of my favorite poses. I think it's very sexy.  😀


    Hey, Ozzy! Come and Join DeviantArt! 🙂



    a new one

    i will probably join lh art, and so, sell my sketch to this site

    since lh will have the exclusivity of the draw i ll sent him, i will not post a lot on amaz0ns, but i ll try to give you some

    anyway, anybody who wants to contact me, do it by pm, to buy originals, commissions etc…
    it will work on lh art too

    i ve think about it: for originals, you could buy several of them in one time, it must be less expensive to sent by post (the price will not be high at all, we shall discuss about it)

    see u


    LHArt, eh? I'm already a member, so that's just fine by me! 😀
    Are you thinking about illustrating stories or will you just stick to doing one off sketches? LH may also commission someone to color them, which would be cool as well.

    Any chance of showing the end position of the exercise in that picture before you move on? As you've probably noticed there's a few most-muscular fans here.


    Yeah, LHart is a great place. I'm a member too! 🙂

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