POSSIBLE Rampage in JLU -mild spoiler-

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    Here is the gossip:

    From actionfigureinsider.com
    The audience was then treated to the opening moments of next season: Lex Luthor has escaped from prison (where he has been held following the events of the current season) with the help of an unknown ally that only he seems to hear. After crashing the police van he was escaping in, Luthor is circled by a gaggle of cops with their guns drawn. Before the cops can act, he is dragged through a solid brick wall by an arm that belongs to The Key! Riding away on his hoverbike, The Key and Luthor stop in a swampy area where they are met by Gorilla Grodd. Grodd offers Luthor a chance at alliance, to which Luthor spurns. Grodd then says, "I think you'll change your mind." as the Hall of Doom rises from the swamp- the doors open and silhouetted behind Grodd are at least 26 villains (29 counting Grodd, Luthor, and The Key). Of these we can possibly identify 24: Dr. Destiny, Evil Star, Cheetah, Black Manta, Bizarro, Parasite, Giganta, unknown character in green/yellow outfit, Silver Banshee, Kanjar Ro, Blockbuster, Dr. Polaris, Unknown-possibly Captain Atom?!?, Livewire, Clock King, KGBeast, Sinestro, Gentleman Ghost, Copperhead, Black Mass, ToyMan, Metallo, Star Sapphire, Rampage. I don't think this line-up has appeared anywhere else yet so feel free to spread it around, just please also include a link back to AFI.

    Confirms Giganta comes back at least.

    Of course I find the house art style of Justice League Unlimited awful, so… well…maybe the story will be strong.

    Originally from:


    Kitty Faulkner as a baddy?

    This is an interesting development.

    Then again they've made some characters whole cloth like Galatea that have provided toon amazon moments.

    Can't wait for it to come out!

    Then again I don't have cable  😛

    The heads up is appreciated McGarnagal  😀

    Paul Schilling

    Rampage… a villian(ess)? maybe misunderstood at one time but never a… Of course we ARE talking the DC Universe according to Cartoon Network 😀

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Just letting everyone know, the new season of JLU will begin on September 17, starting with the LoD introduction.


    I heard that this might be the last season…. If so its a shame… I mean the only thing bad about the show to me is that most characters seem to have superstrength…and the way they dont introduce half the characters…

    anyway i have a question… is flash faster than superman I mean he would have to be right just a little cause if he werent wouldnt that be kinda foolish cause thats his claim to fame him being the fastest … if superman were faster it might seem needless for flash, tho hes in my top 3 favorites

    The Muffin man

    I heard that this might be the last season…. If so its a shame… I mean the only thing bad about the show to me is that most characters seem to have superstrength…and the way they dont introduce half the characters…

    anyway i have a question… is flash faster than superman I mean he would have to be right just a little cause if he werent wouldnt that be kinda foolish cause thats his claim to fame him being the fastest … if superman were faster it might seem needless for flash, tho hes in my top 3 favorites

    Flash is way faster than Superman. Running speed, Supermans barely slower. But Flash can move ANY part of his body superfast.


    First episode in the 'new' season is September 17th.


    Ive seen superman read fast and superman can do alot of things fast but i guess your right superman may be a tiny bit slower running but flash is alot faster in everything else… not taking away the amazing speed of old sups….

    aint this funny we are all into female muscle and most of us into the same tv shows

    Paul Schilling

    To all you who have asked the silly question IS the Flash faster then Superman the answer is… Not really ever since the first race between them in the 60's, the races have always been TIED!  But are we speaking pre or post-crisis universe.  Anyway there is a trade paperpack out by DC covering ALL the races… even one with the Golden Age Flash, Jay Garrick.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    In the animated universe, Flash is definitely faster. I mean, who's the guy who single-handedly whupped Luthor/Brainiac's ass, and was crossing the planet between blows?

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