Power Girl : Balloons vs Biceps

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  • #101020

    Ross’s goal was to give her a bodybuilder like physique since he was pushing the fact she had become quite powerful over time.


    is this the comic series you speak of? She VERY buff in it!



    DaveW wrote:

    Nothing tops the Alex Ross version of PG in “Kingdom Come.” With very few scenes and not much backstory, Ross beefs her up considerably, and keeps the very large rack.



    may or may not be from a comic. Anyone know for sure?


    Don’t think so. Recognized the piece from DeviantART: http://fav.me/d1l4w6d


    Posted before in the other Power Girl forum topic
    I don’t mind her chest getting bigger
    What i mind is her muscles disappearing
    If you wish to speak to the artist i’m sure the links for Twitter pages are still up in the other Power Girl thread


    a real life power girl

    Stefany Hohnjec

    She was born on August 07, 1986 in Croatia.
    Being born on August 7, her zodiac sign is Leo.
    Stefany is 5 feet and 5 inches or 165 cm tall.
    Bra Size: G (same as FF cup)


    or we could try here as a real life PG:



    Oh my god, I cannot believe I’m about to reply/possibly argue with DCMatthews (I LOVE Tetsuko…comics…erm, fanboyism aside now) but as a hardcore Batfan, I just had to say this…

    dcmatthews wrote:

    Yes, if we have to have to have one or the other, let’s shrink the bosom and grow the biceps. The character’s name is “Power Girl” after all and she should look at least somewhat as powerful as she is.

    Which has always been a gripe of mine concerning comics heroines. Find me a hero (besides Spider-Man) whose physique doesn’t look like a Mr. Olympia contender. “Well, they’re supposed to be super-muscular because they’re super-strong”*. But Wonder Woman? Supergirl? Power Girl? Why aren’t they portrayed with muscular physiques?** “Because we don’t like looking at women with muscles!!”

    * Even Batman? Now there’s a character who ought to be drawn with a more slender “acrobat” physique as Spider-Man is usually drawn. (In fact, Stan Lee turned down Jack Kirby as the artist for the first Spider-Man story because Kirby’s rendition of the character was too “heroic”-looking.)

    **Yes, I know there have been exceptions, but even She-Hulk is drawn muscular only about 50% of the time, if even that (outside of fan art).

    I personally think Batman’s muscles make sense. He’s supposed to be trained to peak human levels. From what I know, this would include strength and fighting. I know many buff people, including some who double up as fighters. So Batman being a buff martial artist is not out of the realm of possibility. However, the downside would be that immense and long periods of cardio would break down the muscle. I give him sprints of 20 – 30 minutes tops before he loses muscle, not marathons, due to his training. But that doesn’t matter to me, because I rarely, if ever, see him running this long (usually he uses the Batmobile or something). Also, buff people can be very flexible and agile (at least from some martial artists I know). It all depends on how much you train and what you train in. …Yes, I’m a Batman fanboy…

    What we can agree on though is that some female characters need some more muscle. I mean, it makes sense. Personally, when I write, I tend to give muscles to characters (male or female) with strength-based abilities, fighting styles or powers. If they’re psychic or something, most likely they’re not going to be built.

    @ all in discussion

    This is just my opinion but…

    Sadly, I think we need to look at selling comics to the mainstream audience. According to the media, most people do not like bulging muscles on women. On men, it is fine but on women it is said by the media that is unattractive, sadly. So until media overall changes and the mainstream audience is told to like muscles on women, it just ain’t gonna change.

    I also think that overall, sociological change would be needed too. A lot of people I know that don’t work out (at all) find muscles on men or women intimidating. Also, a lot of men I know want to build big muscles but are well, lazy. From personal experience, I was…iffy…on if I liked buff women, but as soon I started bodybuilding myself and hanging out with buff women, I loved them much more than skinny ones I used to love more. Fetishes tend to be created from exposure (though not always), so if every male worked out and became buff, then most likely they would all also like buff females…just from getting muscle themselves and more than likely seeing it on women at gyms or shows they would go to. Hence, the media would start portraying women’s muscles as hot. An alternative would be every woman in the world starts buffing up and the media portrays it as hot, but that is also unlikely.

    The media tends to portray an “idealized world”. In that world, powerful men are buff, which a lot of men want to be. Powerful women are built like stick figures though, because of two things in my opinion:
    1) Most men in real life do want to be buff, tough, badass, etc. However, not all become this and so buff men in comics and such, male buff characters are like fanservice for them in a way. They imprint themselves onto characters like Superman or Batman. However, since they don’t actually become buff in real life, most likely, they are intimidated by buff women and may have never even met one, so a stigma is easier to form.
    2) Most men find a thin woman attractive because of two things: the media telling them that is what is “hot” and homogenous relationship theory – people seek out people like them. If you’re a thin male looking for a girlfriend, you most likely want a thin woman. If you’re a buff male, odds are you might want a fbb. Since comics are often aimed at heterosexual men (how many shirtless scenes do you see in comparison to cleavage showing costumes?), then the logical choice by the media for sales, is to play up men’s muscles and downplay women’s muscles…or suffer some sales. If everyone was buffing themselves up, everyone would be muscular in comics. But since they’re not, this is what we have.

    Sometimes I think that in a perfect world…we wouldn’t have war or crime (except in fiction)…and people would accept muscles on a woman. They don’t have to like them, but they don’t have to be grossed out either. It’s her personal choice. But…we haven’t really progressed that far yet.

    I apologize for my cynicism and insanely long post.

    ze fly

    🙁 Breast are selling better than muscles. So don’t expect too much from comics firms… :angry:



    here that issue of that comic


    DaveW wrote:

    Nothing tops the Alex Ross version of PG in “Kingdom Come.” With very few scenes and not much backstory, Ross beefs her up considerably, and keeps the very large rack.


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