- This topic has 29 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 11 months ago by
January 19, 2008 at 6:21 pm #63239
ParticipantA long overdue next chapter, and more apropos than I expected. (If you've caught glimpses of the Australian Open, you know what I mean…)
Part 5
Serena strained with the weight. Across her chest was a bar and 160 pounds on either end of it. Sweat poured off of her body as her teeth clenched with effort as every muscle in her body strained to the maximum. And that was definitely impressive; most men would have been proud to have muscles half her size. The bar pushed a few inches off her chest and stalled. She strained even harder and her muscles swelled even more, but to no avail.
In the back of her mind, she heard the smarmy voice of HRCBC commentator Keith Obermensch. “Now this’ll be an interesting match: the Siberian Souse versus our own Serena. Now the question is not who will win this, but who will LOSE! I mean, will Maria’s hangover put her out of action, or will poor chubby Serena simply run out of gas? Geez Louise, Serena – do us all a favor, will ya? STEP AWAY FROM THE DONUTS!”
Chubby, she seethed. CHUBBY? I’ll show you chubby! With a guttural scream of fury, she made renewed effort. Every muscle in her chest and arms seemed to increase in size by the second as the bar moved upward. Her muscles continued to swell as the bar accelerated upward. With a final triumphant grunt, she locked her elbows and held the bar up.
Serena chuckled as she placed the bar in the hooks and got up. She walked over to the mirror and admired her body. She had always cut quite a stout figure, but the last few weeks of training at Dave’s Gym had really increased her size and strength. The pointers she got from bodybuilder Janet Steele were really paying dividends. With a broad smile, Serena struck a double-bicep pose. Her dark skin really helped the already impressive muscles stand out even more. “So you think I’m chubby, Obermensch? I gained 30 pounds all right, but it ain’t donuts! You better hope I don’t see you, or I’ll snap your lard ass in two!”
“Uh, Serena? Don’t you think you should save something for the match?” It was her sister, Aphrodite.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I was just finishing my warmups.” Serena gestured to the bench.
“Damn, girl! You got over 300 pounds on that! You call that a warmup?“Yup. Just wait till you see what I do to the ball. That skinny Cosmo-nut won’t know what hit her!”
* * *
Elena paced in the locker room. Knowing Maria as she did, she knew she’d try to play the match today. A commotion outside proved her right – moments later, an impossibly tall, thin girl bounded into the locker room. “Hi, Elena! I wasn’t expecting to see you here! Where’s Sergei?”
Elena forced a smile as alarms went off in the edges of her mind. The effect should have been very different. If this truly were the Slade formula, Maria shouldn’t be this tall, and should be a lot more muscular. In fact, if anything, her muscles had gotten smaller. Something was very wrong; applying the antidote was more critical than ever. “Sergei’s… er… not feeling well… today. How are YOU feeling?”
“Well, I’ve had some sort of strange growth spurt,” Maria bubbled as she suppressed a giggle, “but I think the boys will appreciate my even longer legs! Otherwise, I feel wonderful! Never more energetic! In fact, I…. urrk!”
At that moment, Maria doubled over. It appeared as thought she inhaled but never exhaled. She straightened up as Elena held in a gasp. Maria had become slightly taller and slightly… less skinny.
Elena tried to maintain her composure as she reached for a water bottle. “Well… you must be getting some… muscle cramps from… dehydration. You should drink this.” Maria frowned, but reached for the bottle and drank the entire contents quickly. So quickly, in fact, she didn’t notice the liquid had a reddish-brown tinge. Elena let out a sigh of relief.
The antidote took effect almost instantly. However, it did not have the effect Elena expected.
January 21, 2008 at 4:17 pm #63240ScottG
ParticipantOh, now that's just wrong Stimpy (leaving us totally hanging like that.) 😉 I like this story, can't wait for the next chapter.
January 21, 2008 at 9:52 pm #63241Fonk
ParticipantOK, OK… horns? No, that's daft.
A tail? No, that's worse.
*light bulb*
I think I know what it is!
In short, I can't wait for the next chapter! 😉
February 2, 2008 at 6:16 pm #63242stimpy
ParticipantSorry to keep everyone hanging like that… 😉
A rather short installment because of time constraints, but I think you'll enjoy it. I'm getting pretty close to a conclusion, so hang in there a bit longer. Thanks for your patience!
Part 6
Everything appeared to be going well at first as Maria stopped in her tracks and stooped to the ground. Her body appeared to be collapsing in on itself, rapidly getting smaller and smaller. Maria felt very dizzy and disoriented as it appeared the entire world was expanding around her. Elena began to smile as it appeared Maria was returning to normal.
Her smile quickly faded. Maria abruptly stopped shrinking, even though she was still much larger than she should have been. She then began to shake uncontrollably as every muscle in her body tensed.
Then her muscles began to grow. And grow. For what seemed like hours, every heartbeat caused her arms, legs, chest and back to thicken. Her stomach took on more and more definition, the ridges of her abdominal muscles getting higher and higher. Her shoulders got broader and broader as muscle continued to fill out. Her upper body began to take on the shape of a triangle, sloping from her monstrous shoulders to her rock-hard abs… except for the curve of her breasts, which through all of this time were increasing in size. Her Power Armour outfit strained as her body continued to expand in every conceivable direction, but it incredibly remained intact through the entire process.
Finally, the growth stopped. Maria felt intense euphoria and energy. Her state of mind not allowing her to comprehend what just happened, she jumped up and reached for her equipment, ready to bound onto Center Court.
Elena was aghast at what she saw as Maria stood up. She was still over two meters tall; with a body that was something of a cross between a swimsuit model and the Incredible Hulk. Quickly regaining her senses, Elena jumped in her way tried to stop her. No, Maria – wait! I think we should get you to a doctor. I know a…
“Don’t be silly!” Maria enthused with a dismissive wave that inadvertently sent Elena sprawling to the opposite wall, “I feel like I can win today! Wish me luck!” With that, grabbed her game gear and glided out of the locker room.
Elena’s head slammed against the far wall with an emphatic thud. Her martial arts training allowed her to break her fall somewhat as she rolled to a stop on top of a large gym bag. She felt two odd pin-pricks in the small of her back before she faded out of consciousness.
* * *
Serena was ready. Her white two-piece Power Armour outfit strained to keep its integrity against her rock-hard body. She contentedly flexed her right bicep as it exploded with such force it seemed for a moment even her skin might not be able to contain it. A huge smile crossed her face as she contemplated what she saw. She was sexy and strong. Stronger than most of the men who secretly lusted after her despite disdainfully calling her a “man with boobs” in public. She wished she were even stronger – much stronger – so she could intimidate them even more. Then she’d find a man strong enough for her, one who would accept her for who she was, one who would show all of the wusses how a real man should be. At least he’d better, or she’d kick his ass.
A loud cheer from the crowd jolted Serena from her reverie. It was game time.
February 2, 2008 at 7:42 pm #63243Fonk
ParticipantThat's… quite something. I expect super happiness from the next installment! ;D
February 14, 2008 at 2:16 am #63244MagnusMagneto
ParticipantVery nice story, I wonder how long this can go on for?
February 16, 2008 at 6:48 pm #63245stimpy
ParticipantAnd so the Match begins…
Part 7
Serena enjoyed the feeling of her body pressing against her outfit as she strutted onto Center Court. She thought back to the months of intense training that transformed her body. Despite the agony, she felt elated every time she upped the weights. Every morning, she felt renewed vigor as she looked at herself in the mirror and noticed changes… first tighter and firmer, then, when her muscles could get no tighter, she got bigger. And bigger. And bigger. And now, it would be quite a shock for all of those fans who hadn’t seen her in some time. If they thought she was a monster before, wait till they get a load of her now.
As she walked into view of the crowd, she found herself wishing her outfit was even tighter than it was. The cheers of the crowd suddenly turned into stunned silence. Serena was delighted; she quickly decided to give the crowd an impromptu show and flexed both biceps, causing them to round into impressive bulges. She then increased the tension of her arms three times until she was flexing with maximum effort, her biceps nearly doubling in size each time. What an unbelievable sight it must have been, undoubtedly looking like she had muscles on her muscles. But, as Serena realized with shock as she looked around, none of the fans were looking at her.
Serena turned to look. All eyes were transfixed on a blonde figure bounding onto the court. The face was familiar, but the body was not. The musculature looked much like Serena’s did a moment before, only Maria wasn’t flexing. And there was something else: she appeared a lot closer than she really was. By relative size, she should be on the court already, but she was still many yards away. With each step, Maria loomed larger and larger. By the time she was on the court, Serena was at eye-level with her suddenly huge bust line.
For a few long seconds, there was silence with the exception of a few whispers. One cutting voice said, “Ah, she’s only 5-11. She’s just wearing tennis shoes – that makes her look taller.” Finally, the umpire regained his senses and closed his mouth. A shaking hand presented balls to Maria for her serve.
Maria paused for a moment, giving her racket a puzzled look. It was so small – she was unsure what to do with her fingers because the palm of her hand engulfed the entire handle. Finally, the logistics figured out, she wound up for her serve.
Flesh seemingly expanded everywhere as her body tensed. Arms, legs and chest all exploded outward as her outfit was stretched to what seemed to be micro fiber. Then came a white blur connecting with the ball, which instantly became a green blur and shot across the court before Serena could even twitch. Finally, there was the trademark grunt, only a half-octave deeper and many times louder than normal. A pane of glass in the press box shattered as her grunt echoed through the stands.
The crowd was utterly silent. Serena merely stared forward in disbelief. Her shock was compounded as she saw Maria twitch. Wait… did she just get… BIGGER?
With a shrug, Maria recalculated her shot angle and adjusted her outfit. She served again, with slightly less force since it was her second serve. Serena got a good jump and sent a monstrous forehand sailing down the line, pouring every last ounce of power she had into it. With remarkable agility, Maria sprinted and hit the ball back with a powerful grunt. Serena dove and got her racket on the ball, but it sailed to the side. Maria straightened out… and twitched.
And so the match continued much this way. Maria displayed incredible speed and strength on every shot, and with every grunt she let out, she would twitch and get bigger. Serena was able to make a few points thanks to her incredible training, but the endless cycle of grunt-twitch-grow made things an increasing mismatch. Maria won, 6-0, 6-0 in 35 minutes. As they met at the net to shake hands, Serena noticed she was eye level with Maria’s navel. During the handshake, Serena felt her opponent’s slightly viscous sweat drip from her enormous hand into hers. As she walked away bewildered and dejected, Serena felt a slight tingle in her hand.
* * *
Elena awoke with a tremendous headache. She swept her incredibly long hair out of her face and stagger to her feet. She slowly realized what had happened to Maria. The active ingredient of the shot was the Slade Formula, originally intended to reverse the aging process. Because Maria took such a large dose, and because she was only 19 years old, the formula caused her physical development to regress, which is why she became so thin. When she received the antidote, it worked exactly as it should have… except in this case, it caused her to “age” back through her adolescent years, causing her to grow taller and stronger instead of returning her to normal. As a result, the “antidote” actually accelerated the growth side-effect. Therefore… Dear God!
Elena realized with horror that the operative term wasn’t “accelerated” but “accelerating”! Maria was going to continue to “age” rapidly, only in this case, it meant develop and grow as an adolescent would. And didn’t Maria grow 30 centimeters in one year? She must do something to…
And then Elena had another realization. She reached behind her and felt two syringes sticking out of her back. She pulled them out and examined them. They were both empty; undoubtedly they had contained the Slade Formula. Elena said aloud, “Well, THIS is going to be interesting…” as she doubled over in pain.
February 16, 2008 at 7:21 pm #63246randy guillotte
ParticipantInteresting INDEED… Keep up the good work, Stimpy! 😀
February 19, 2008 at 12:03 am #63247Fonk
ParticipantDammit, man, stop writing so well! It's making me jealous. 😉
April 6, 2008 at 7:57 pm #63248stimpy
ParticipantThanks for the kind words, everyone, and sorry for the long layoff. In keeping with Magnus Magneto's question of how long I can keep this going, I've decided to wrap this up. Enjoy! 🙂
Part 8: I am Folklore
Colonel Robert Neville went over the images of the match and its aftermath in his mind as he walked down the hotel corridor lined by burly Secret Service agents. Fortunately, the President happened to be in town to make a speech at the United Nations. Neville was rushed over to brief him on the outbreak. A smartly-dressed, athletic female met him at the door and examined his badge. After she verified his identity, she opened the VIP Suite door for him and allowed him to enter.
The room was surprisingly dark, with only a few beams of light coming in through the window. A bespectacled President Lingster leaned back in his chair at the head of a long table, most of his face concealed by shadow. Several members of his Cabinet were also in attendance, seated around the table. Also present was the President’s special advisor, Mr. DCM.
“Please sit down, Colonel.”
As Neville took a chair, the Secretary of the Interior caught his eye. She glanced at him up and down as she contemplatively took a lick of a Tootsie Pop. The Secretary of State, a man who resembled Charlie Brown, let out a brief sigh.
“I understand you have concerns about an outbreak, Colonel Neville?”
“Yes, sir. There appears to be some sort of communicable pathogen that presents itself as gigantism in the—“
Colonel Neville was interrupted by a ringing phone. It was the Secretary of State’s personal line. An aide handed the phone to Secretary Magnus.
“Magnus. Good evening, Mr. Ambassador. I am in a very high level… I’m sorry, could you repeat that? RESIGNED? Who is “Czarina Elena?” Nikolai, have you been drinking? No, I’m sorry, but you have to admit this is rather difficult to… Mr. Ambassador, the President is with me, may I put you on speaker… Hello? Hello? Good Grief.”
President Lingster leaned further back into the shadows. “You care to enlighten me, M?”
“That was the Russian Ambassador. He says the Russian President has resigned and the Monarchy has been restored. Someone calling herself “Czarina Elena” is now the Head of State.”
“Now that’s something you don’t see everyday,” Defense Secretary AlexG interjected.
“Well, this will demand my immediate attention. Colonel Neville, I’m afraid I can only give you another minute or two.”
Neville spoke up. “I’ll give you the short version, then. One of the competitors in the U.S. Open displayed unusual growth in size and strength during her match…”
“Yes, I saw that,” Lingster interrupted. “It was most impressive.”
“Yes, sir, but it also appears any woman she came in contact with after the match began to exhibit the same symptoms, most notably her opponent. The Nightly News anchorwoman for HRCBC literally burst out of her outfit on National TV. “
“Yep, that was Katie’s best show in years,” Secretary Fonk quipped with a smirk.
“Then it appears these women became carriers as well, causing significant height and muscle growth in any women THEY touched.”
“I can vouch for that,” Mr. DCM offered. “At least three women I know have gotten quite a bit bigger… and two of them were… shall we say… rather athletic to begin with.”
President Lingster leaned forward, but somehow managed to fall even more deeply in the shadows. “Am I to understand this pathogen only makes women bigger and stronger?”
“Yes, Mr. President. I believe the wisest course of action is to immediately quarantine the…”
The President rose from his chair, followed by all others around the table. “Then I don’t really see a problem. Thank you for your interest in National Security, Colonel Neville. I must make contact with the Russian Czarina now. Good day.”
Bewildered, Colonel Neville turned around and walked out. A seven foot tall, muscular woman wearing the tattered remains of a smart outfit opened the door for him.
Neville was in a quandary. What was he to do? There must be some way to convince the President this outbreak was extremely dangerous. Maybe if he…
At that moment, a hotel door opened up and huge hand grasped Neville by the shoulder and dragged him into the room. Neville caught his breath and saw a towering woman, over eight feet tall, with nothing but curves and muscles to be seen. Other than her enormous breasts, she did not appear to have an ounce of fat on her body. It was Serena.
Neville stammered, “Look… you… you’ve got a disease. I can fix this. LET ME CURE YOU!”
Serena slowly flexed as flesh expanded everywhere. “Do I LOOK sick, mister?” At that moment, she twitched. And grew. In one motion, she scooped Neville up with one hand and kissed him.
Neville gasped for air as Serena tore his uniform off. The hotel door slowly closed as incredible smashing and banging noises emanated from behind it. After a few seconds, Neville’s voice was clearly heard to exclaim, “I have GOT to get me one of THESE!”
The End (?)
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