Public Reactions to FBBrs

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    . . . the FBB’ers, what kind of reactions do you get when you are out in public?

    As asked by our very own Lady Mimi @ Muscle Mayhem.  I can understand why she asked it there, after all it's a center of real world BBing and FBBrs, in general.  8)


    However, I think some here @ Amaz0ns, if only for their own edification, might also be interested in reading the commentaries from the MM regulars.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Mimi's in with some quite heavy-duty opinionated guys there – I reckon she'll be fine! ;D

    Very interesting, thanks Alex.


    I've been around numerous fbbs both well known and not well known. It is case by case, but it definitely gets a reaction. One of the coolest I ever saw as at a grocery store where a father and his sons were amazed and just about stalked the girl as she checked out. Never forget that one.

    Curiousity is the main reaction. I've seen negative, positive, and in between. Once again, it is very specific to the person. Lots of looks though. I've even had people ask why I like fbbs in one situation where many fbbs were there and a crowd of people for something else was there as well. They thought I was the Fbbs boss and wondered what got me into it. I've heard lots of different reactiosn from very bad to very good.

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