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    if they made a She Hulk movie or She Hulk vs. Wonder Woman, whom would make the perfect She Hulk and Wonder Woman? I am not talking about Chyna now.


    Personally, I’m not all that much impressed (thus far) with the suggestions that I’ve seen for a live action movie format, either the muscle gals (i.e. FBBrs / Fitness) have the buffed size, but not the height much less the acting qualities to present a plausible characterization. Conversly, the actresses of actual acting talent that have been proposed simply, IMHO, lack the plausiblity of an awesome femuscular presence to pull it off. 8)

    The only one that could have been of a happy median for playing a She-Hulk movie, but I serious doubt she could do it today since she has long sheded her femuscular physique, would have been Cory Everson. Facial beauty, marketable buffness to the average non-muscle interested male and/or female viewer, and had a degree of acting talent that could have carried the part. Only thing lacking would be the height-factor, but it would be far easer to "fake" that part then going with a full blown CGI as they failed miseribly with in the Hulk movie.

    If I had to make a choice, I’d prefer to go with high quality animation format if its going to involve the She-Hulk, or even Wonder Woman for that matter.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    if they made a She Hulk movie or She Hulk vs. Wonder Woman, whom would make the perfect She Hulk and Wonder Woman? I am not talking about Chyna now.

    Wonder Woman will not be depicted with significant muscular development in any movie, so forget about that. But She-Hulk would be, and in a sexy way to maximize box office appeal. The producers would probably just take a very pretty girl and make a seriously buffed-up, green CGI version of her.

    The failure of Elektra decreases the likelihood that any female superhero movies will be made in the near future. And the failure of The Hulk to make serious money makes She-Hulk doubly unlikely.

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