Question about JLA # 28

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  • #79338
    ze fly

    Did anyone had a look at the issue 28 of Justice League of America??
    I heard that there was a crossover with Shadow-cabinet in it and would like to know if Donner was featured in the issue…  ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Did anyone had a look at the issue 28 of Justice League of America??
    I heard that there was a crossover with Shadow-cabinet in it and would like to know if Donner was featured in the issue…  ๐Ÿ˜‰

    She was… Unfortunately and all too predictably, she had none of the muscle mass Chris Cross originally gave her. Another downsized amazon. :-



    I bought every issue of "Shadow Cabinet" & of "Heroes" mostly because of Donner…


    Eric F., EnhanceMan

    ze fly

    She was… Unfortunately and all too predictably, she had none of the muscle mass Chris Cross originally gave her. Another downsized amazon. :-


    Too sad… :'( Thanks anyway. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Another thing that i thought was kind of funky was that wonder woman totally beat her down and not with fighting skill or anything. WW just plain out muscled Donner. Donner even said something about never fighting someone stronger than herself before. I knew that WW was supose to be one of the top 5 women of strength in DC (supergirl, powergirl, maxima, marry marvel, and andromida can all argue with her about who's stronger) but it has been stated on many occations that Donner is as strong as Icon who is that worlds superman. Wouldn't that make donner a tad bit stronger than WW? I still think WW could take her in a fight because she seems to be a better fighter, can fly, and has several other advantages but I don't think WW can just out muscle her as easily as she did.


    Icon's weaker than Supes from what I could see from that issue, and according to some things, Donner's strength is supposedly Class 5. So sources vary, but yeah… What happened happened for a reason. XD


    What happened happened for a reason…

    Yeah I figured that but felt that Wonder woman should have out fought not out muscled Donner. Just my opinion.  ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Oh trust me, I felt the same way. XD


    We all know that WW is the superior fighter yes but in a battle of raw strength, I think things should have gone a little bit differently..

    My favorite DCU heroine however is still Power Girl =)

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