Rampage R.I.P ?

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  • #40152

    Because Blue Beetle is a third-tier superhero whom everyone thought was a joke and had little respect for him besides a professional courtesy of him being a Justice Leaguer.

    Despite no help from anyone, and no one taking him seriously, Blue Beetle managed to unravel a conspiracy, track it all the way back to the main headquarters of the conspiracy's perpetrator's and deduce the purpose of their organisation.

    On his own.

    And when he's faced with certain death, with no chance for escape, he's offered to join the conspiracy.

    He turns them down.

    I think that's a hero's death. πŸ™‚

    Good point.

    He recites my favourite line for the whole mess that is Infinite Crisis — I think it's him, anyhow — regarding how everyone, even Batman, loves Wonder Woman.

    Delmo Walters Jr.

    Rampage sighting in the new TT-#51, I think.


    Rampage sighting in the new TT-#51, I think.

    Whoo-Hoo! Scans anybody?



    Looks like a false alarm is that was Teen Titans v3 #51 (latest issue) No Rampage or Kitty Faulkner siting, I checked twice. πŸ™



    Beg to (happily) differ. Just checked out TT #51 at my LCS. She definitely there alive and well in the DCU  ;D. They even reference her name in the dialog. She and Livewire are possessed by Starros and fighting wonder girl in chicago. The reason you didn't see her is probably very little in the way of a clear shot… and she's green.

    No I didn't pick it up for scanning  :- Friday's my buying day. If Ze Fly or no one else brings scans, I'll see what I can do.



    I see her now, GREEN, WTH!? πŸ™ Oh well, I've come to expect too much already from DC to give us a decent looking Rampage who is buff and sexy. But yet, they make her with a greenish hue. Anyhow, thanks to BTX on this one for helping me point he rout, I completely missed her on this one! πŸ˜›


    P.S. Dont forget to visit my Rampage group too, its been really quiet there the last month.

    Delmo Walters Jr.

    A new Rampage sighting in Superman #686-she's fighting Mon-El, who is filling in for Superman while he's on New Krypton.


    A Rampage sighting, huh!? πŸ˜€ I picked up the issue and yup, a few pages with my FAV giantess going toe-to-toe with some bum. (lol) Sadly, Rampage loses and comes crashing down to earth from 60ft. (BOO!)
    But, is it just me or does artists keep drawing Rampage's figure more manlier? (bleh!) My fav Rampage was drawn in Starman (Will Payton) Gosh, she looked so feminine and strong back then. Now, they seem to keep making her very manly, which is not cool IMO.

    But, it still was nice to see Rampage reappearing back from the dead!


    Zespara Alathar

    I personally prefer the hybrid Rampage from her first two appearances in Superman (2nd Series) #7 & #24.  It combined the more muscular version but with a feminine touch.

    I thought that the version from Starman was too skinny for my taste but to each their own.  πŸ™‚


    Delmo Walters Jr.

    But, is it just me or does artists keep drawing Rampage's figure more manlier? (bleh!) My fav Rampage was drawn in Starman (Will Payton) Gosh, she looked so feminine and strong back then. Now, they seem to keep making her very manly, which is not cool IMO.

    Chalk it up to artistic license. I love Jerry Ordway but he draws the skinniest Power Girl ever.

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