Re: art blog: 09 Jun ~ Ennocens Catena

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  • #30206

    Oh thats just so cute. I love it when Chun Li is drawn with bulging muscles. 😀


    color me

    is a request or an order? 😀

    David C. Matthews

    Okay, that's enough… you're getting too good! I feel threatened!  😀 😀 😀


    elee-san: *bows* I'm humbled.

    Masschine & 00tree: Thank you! And it seems Chun-li is the flavour of the week.

    gettar-san: "Colour me" is neither a request nor an order (except to Debido-san, that's an order) ^^ But if anyone else wants to have fun colouring any of them, then they are most welcome to. It would be interesting to see different people's attempts at it.

    David-sensei: *shock* You are far too respected to feel threatened. The art (and sensual) goodness that you offer simply cannot be compared. That goes for everybody else's work here as well, because everyone has something unique to offer. Um… that's how I feel anyway. *squashes head back to size*


    You just successfully adapted a style of one of my favorite artists and kept your own flavour to it.
    These are incredible.
    And *incoherent happy babble* you did Etna.
    Nobody does Etna.
    Disgaea is my favorite game, so I love Etna.
    Thats just.
    Really awesome.
    Great as usual.
    *more generic glowing compliments about your amazing work cause I cant really say much more besides that because nothing describes the level of "whoo" that those bring to meh. :"P*


    Increidble stuff man. I like it a lot. Please do keep up the good work, and I will keep an eye out for you.


    Benji-kun: Glad you could drop by on your trip! You can thank Debido-san for Etna, he was the one who suggested it, after a whole day of careful contemplation 😀

    Kusanagi-kun: Thank you, much appreciated. Post some of your work here as well, as I'm not with DeviantArt.


    lol yeah seriously…But that day was worth it!

    <_< Benji I didn't know you liked Disgaea too…I think I'll start calling you "Mid-Boss"!

    Oi, and I've told Mikazuki-chan how great they were, but I just figured that it'd be nice to give a public "That's great!" as well…

    That's great! Awesome stuff Mika-chan! Ganbate on those exams, too!


    <_< Benji I didn't know you liked Disgaea too…I think I'll start calling you "Mid-Boss"!

    *adonic pose*
    Well he is my favorite character in the game.
    But my name is not Mid Boss! You will address me as the Dark Adonis!
    God in-game jokes are awesome.

    Benji-kun: Glad you could drop by on your trip!

    Lol, well we kinda hit a snag so Ill be here for just a tad longer. Least theres a comp and a big kitty here though. *goes off to play with cat*


    excellent jobs in this "pieces of art", my favourite is "chunli", great job in her. You are talented ^^

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