Re: Christina Ricci…

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    :'(  *sniff*

    I've never had so many replies to a thread I've started before.  :'(



    I think that by fashion magazine standards, a blade of grass is fat.  Bleh!  Give me a woman with curves any day.




    :'(   *sniff*

    I've never had so many replies to a thread I've started before.  :'(


    Yes – but don't let it go to your head, lad.  8)

    [font=tahoma]Ooooh boy, here we go.  ::)

    Fight – fight – fight!

    That's what I would say.  But can't, since I'm a global op.  😉

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Just to make it crystal clear, my reference to skinny-fat was prompted by my hatred of the "don't lift weights – it's not feminine and you'll look muscular and like teh Arnold" codswallop doled-out by "celebrity trainers" and the "skinny is good, skinnier is better" attitude of the magazines etc.  I certainly was NOT saying anything about Mimi, who is a gorgeous, voluptuous lady in the classical manner.  I actually dislike the term "skinny-fat", but I have yet to find or invent any term or word that describes the thin but zero-muscle-hence-high-bodyfat-percentage condition as well.


    I actually dislike the term "skinny-fat", but I have yet to find or invent any term or word that describes the thin but zero-muscle-hence-high-bodyfat-percentage condition as well.

    "Anorexic" or "bulimic" might be the best description, as that is what often happens to women who develop a psychological eating disorder.  They eat and purge, but do not bother eating healthy (ie, a well-rounded diet) and do not exercise.  So their bodies react as they would in an emergency, stripping away as much muscle and non-fat tissues as possible in order to maintain fat reserves for as long as possible.

    The end result is that they are losing weight, but they are unhappy with their appearance (their arms and legs may thin, and their necks and faces can seem gaunt, but they still have fat around their hips and tummies and the thinner extremities make this stand out even more).  So they accelerate their bad (and dangerous) course and wind up in a cycle that can be lethal if they do not get help soon.

    It's a really horrible thing to happen to a person and is incredibly difficult to break from even when they realize what's happening and are on the road to recovery and better health.  It's why I can only shake my head when Hollywood and the fashion industry put this type of physique forward as some sort of desirable look.  It creates a very dangerous perception in the minds of young women that can lead them on a potentially deadly course.


    "Anorexic" or "bulimic" might be the best description, as that is what often happens to women who develop a psychological eating disorder.  They eat and purge, but do not bother eating healthy (ie, a well-rounded diet) and do not exercise.  So their bodies react as they would in an emergency, stripping away as much muscle and non-fat tissues as possible in order to maintain fat reserves for as long as possible.

    The end result is that they are losing weight, but they are unhappy with their appearance (their arms and legs may thin, and their necks and faces can seem gaunt, but they still have fat around their hips and tummies and the thinner extremities make this stand out even more).  So they accelerate their bad (and dangerous) course and wind up in a cycle that can be lethal if they do not get help soon.

    It's a really horrible thing to happen to a person and is incredibly difficult to break from even when they realize what's happening and are on the road to recovery and better health.  It's why I can only shake my head when Hollywood and the fashion industry put this type of physique forward as some sort of desirable look.  It creates a very dangerous perception in the minds of young women that can lead them on a potentially deadly course.

    One of the best posts on Amaz0ns for a long time. 8)


    Having a cousin, an ex-girlfriend, and a friend who have all been hospitalized for anorexia/bulimia, it is indeed terrifying for the family and an awful, very difficult perspective for the girl to get over.  (I don't call it a mental illness because I abhor our desire to pathologize and stigmatize everything, but that's a rant for another day.)

    Not a one of them looked like Christina Ricci until they started recovering and putting on weight and working out, so I think it is insulting and ignorant to compare Christina's slim but curvy physique to an anorexic's.  Slim is not skinny!


    One of the best posts on Amaz0ns for a long time. 8)

    Thanks, Chris. 🙂

    I do want to point out that the photo set of Ricci in the first post don't give me the impression that she's too thin.  The first photo makes it seem as if her waist is unusually narrow, but she's turned to the side and is probably pulling in her tummy to emphasize her shape.  Her arms and legs certainly don't seem thin, her face looks healthy (and very very cute!) and in the rest of the photos her waist seems to be of a normal proportion for someone who is in good health.

    She strikes me as having a physique that is difficult to fill out due to her generic body type, and with a carefully-planned diet and workout regimen she is finally seeing some desired results.  If so, I commend her for rejecting the ultra-thin look and showing that a young lady can eat right and lift hard and look fantastic.


    Oh yes, I agree, she doesn't look anorexic or skinny-fat at all.

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