Re: Mara Jade Unleashed

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  • #69209

    The lurking is getting serious bad around these parts dude, I don't know what the hell is going on but people just aren't taking the time to leave a damn comment!

    Anyway, great job on the picture!  The anatomy looks a bit slightly off but your proportions look good, she definitely conveys that the FORCE is with her!


    Well done. But yeah, lurkins one of the reasons why I dont post anything on here…and may soon be the reason why I may stop posting on DA due to "favs without comments".


    I like it.  I don't see anything wrong with the hair and you already know about the arms, so with that in mind, I like it.  Keep up the great work.


    To be fair, many of those hits are probably a combination of repeat visits and/or transient "Guests" who never comment anyway.


    twohundred and fiftyone viewers and no comment. That's almost a record. The record is 380.

    Are there nobody here just lurkers?

    Hmmm, I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but many of the once regulars here are either seemingly not with us any more (i.e. Historian), infrequently logging in (i.e. Silent One) or logging in, but not commenting at all (i.e. JimmyDimples) for reasons known only to them.

    Whether this is part of the seasonal cycle of ebb and flow, or that people have moved on to other areas of interest (i.e. that Amaz0ns is well established establishment, thus no longer a novelty to them), or a combination all these factors and some others, I don't really know.

    By the way, you think getting feedback is a problem for artwork, pardon me, but try writing a well-written story and see what happens.

    The lurking is getting serious bad around these parts dude, I don't know what the hell is going on but people just aren't taking the time to leave a damn comment!

    Anyway, great job on the picture!  The anatomy looks a bit slightly off but your proportions look good, she definitely conveys that the FORCE is with her!

    Tho I have signed-in access to DA, I rarely go there, prefering Amaz0ns as my one-stop, central clearing house for my femuscular interests, and I think, this is just as true **I suspect** for others.

    IMHO, the DA enviroment by its very nature is less likely to engender commentary then a forum.  In a similar fashion its one of the reasons more then a few of the authors prefer the forum set up to that of Brawna, this despite its advantages as a story archive site.

    Well done. But yeah, lurkins one of the reasons why I dont post anything on here…and may soon be the reason why I may stop posting on DA due to "favs without comments".

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)



    twohundred and fiftyone viewers and no comment. That's almost a record. The record is 380.

    Are there nobody here just lurkers?

    LOL yeay I know how you feel. My posts usually average around a %0.25 responce. Oh well…  ::)


    I see. So at last I know I'm not alone in this.

    And like always: I'm glad you like it.


    Whether this is part of the seasonal cycle of ebb and flow, or that people have moved on to other areas of interest (i.e. that Amaz0ns is well established establishment, thus no longer a novelty to them), or a combination all these factors and some others, I don't really know.

    I would say that there is some truth in your words about the seasonal ebb and flow and novelty concepts (the honeymoon is over) but I know this is still pretty much my first stop and DA is a very close second.  I think some of what has turned me off a little from Amaz0ns is "High School" drama.  I've never been a big fan of it and when I'm around it or even worse involved in it, I just step away for a while and let things cool down.  I like a good debate as much as anyone, but when it turns to public flaming, I just walk away.

    IMHO, the DA enviroment by its very nature is less likely to engender commentary then a forum.  In a similar fashion its one of the reasons more then a few of the authors prefer the forum set up to that of Brawna, this despite its advantages as a story archive site.

    The deviantART arena is for what it's name says – Art.  They do not make it nearly as friendly for Authors to post there, which is what makes a nice alternative.  On the otherhand, people (in general) are lazy and want instant gratification which is where pictures come into play.  Why read when a picture is worth a thousand words.  This is not my sentiment, I personally like a very well written story, unfortunately I have to hunt quite a while for new stories and am not much of an author myself.


    Ah, yes, just another day in paradise . . . I call them pissing matches.  But remember, you're fortunate, you can stay away 'til the storm blows over.  For us Mods, we don't have that luxury.  8)

    I think some of what has turned me off a little from Amaz0ns is "High School" drama.  I've never been a big fan of it and when I'm around it or even worse involved in it, I just step away for a while and let things cool down.  I like a good debate as much as anyone, but when it turns to public flaming, I just walk away.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I am usually impressed with the art that's posted here on the site and this one is no exception. For a layman like myself, if you hadn't mentioned the arms, I wouldn't have noticed. Good drawing and don't be too critical of yourself.

    As to the seeming lack of interest on the board, I've noticed it a little myself. Some of the regular guys haven't been around much. I'm not a huge poster, but it seems like the huge posters have begun to hibernate for the spring… or something like that.


    My apologies for my descent into lurkerdom.  The fact that this was caused
    by the birth of my baby son does not in any way make me less guilty.

    Now for the comments on the picture.  What is it that she is lifting?  Surely
    it isn't the Millenium Falcon! (at least I hope not)
    BTW, I only saw this picture today, so for this particular post, I haven't
    lurked at all 🙂
    Nice picture indeed!

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