Re: New and updated femuscle sites

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  • #6315

    I have an important announcement.
    when I or others post undated or new sites PLEASE do not spam them with grabage ,so far 3 sites had close down their BBS broads. Because of this.Comments about the work is fine. But abusive one's will not be tolerated.
    and There is cultural differences ,that you must RESPECT!!
    Thank you for reading!

    True that. I know that I get ticked off when someone who is intimidated by femuscle feels that they have to give there two-cents about stuff that they know nothing about because they think everyone else feals as they do. We are all different and that should be embraced not scorned.

    ze fly

    Ashlee, you should know to mark that link as NSFW.

    Shame on you, gal… ;D

    Lots of thanks to Ashlee, fbbsare2hot, and JeremyWilson for all your efforts & constant searching…


    Feminox is updated Read about how a Little girl being call ugly and push around became a Amazon!Enjoy! 


    Feminox is updated Read about how a Little girl being call ugly and push around became a Amazon!Enjoy! 

    Actually, that's been around for a long, long time, Ashlee, look at the date, its June 27, so its a month and a half gone since that update, but I agree, its a real good update, but its not so new.

    But the Akade site has updated with page 9 of the Vivi Biceps story here: (NSFW)


    I have updated my site! There are new morphs as well my old ones. Look at my signature.


    For those who have been concerned about the lack of update at
    the Earth Color website (such as Ashlee-chan), I have a message
    from Y. Yoshida-san, who runs that site.

    "To all those who expressed concern, thank you very much. I'm
    not having any troubles either online or in real life.  I have
    recently been thinking long and hard about the future direction
    of this website, and my work at this site has come to a stand-
    still as a result.

    I may suddenly see a new direction and resume posting my works
    there as nothing has happened, but I don't know if or when that
    happens, or whether I'll take a completely different path.  In
    short, I can't tell you when or even if I'll post again, and I
    can only ask you for patience, sorry."


    Thanks for the information.
    He has already given a lot by his website. We can only wish for him to find the best way to express his talent.


    whatever happened to kinsyo's site? Is it still up and running?


    Told a couple people about this but I found that one Japanese site was doing something I've been hoping someone would do for a while (well in my imagination): a web series involving the trials and growth of a female bodybuilding club!  There are several pics up so far and hopefully more as the months go along… (the main site, which has great femmuscle already) (entryway to the good stuff) (the bodybuilding club)

    a nice Picture of a girl on BBS.
    You know you give and artist a compliment, and you get Garbage back.
    I think I'm going to just remain silent from now on.

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