Re: Request thread

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  • #5221

    It also took me nearly 3 times longer than usual to do cos it's in colour….something you very rarely see in my drawings.  So enjoy it or I'll round to your place with a coupla my girls to ask why  ;D ;D 😛

    tails i win, heads you lose i think lol

    thanks Pete, though i'm still gonna annoy people for more  😉


    Since you're ASKING for sequences…
    I did an FMG comic a million years ago. And it's crap and awful and you should never look at it. But here's the link  ;D
    (WARNING- A little violence and gore at the end)


    Hehe  Great stuff Kulli chook


    Some body asked for this lass to be buffed up a bit…cant remember who, but I hope she's buff enuf

    …and stmercy….take a look outside. This lass might be doing serious damage to your car.. ;D ;D ;D 😮

    Hah hah! Excellent work, Pete!


    Since you're ASKING for sequences…
    I did an FMG comic a million years ago. And it's crap and awful and you should never look at it. But here's the link  ;D
    (WARNING- A little violence and gore at the end)

    i think the majority of newcomers have seen that already  😛

    still, thanks


    Uhhh. You were asking. So I posted it. How am I supposed to know what everyone's seen?


    From an artists point of view, any kind of sequencial (sp) art takes much longer to do and Growth sequences longer still. This attached one AINT what Funduh asked for exactly, but it is Growth.

    It also took me nearly 3 times longer than usual to do cos it's in colour….something you very rarely see in my drawings.  So enjoy it or I'll round to your place with a coupla my girls to ask why   ;D ;D 😛

    I already told you before my friend, if you send any of your girls over to my place, they may not come home right away. If at all…… But for the record, superb work once again.


    i think the majority of newcomers have seen that already

    I hadn't.  And I quite liked it.  Thanks, Kulli- I love watching your art.  You just go from strength to strength.


    Kull: you know how amazing that was so don't downplay it.  Embrace it…or let us do it for you while you just complain.  Either way it works.


    I don't.. actually there's a ton of things I hate about it so I have to remind people it's old. So pls. The warnings are mostly there for me, not you guys.

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