Re: Request thread

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  • #4705

    Thanks your drawing seem to improve each time, I look forward to your future drawings. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


    thx all


    Definately not a bad idea there and a nice pic too…but actually…in the logistics of the One Piece World, there are a couple ways to get "bigger" via devil fruits. 

    -The first is to have a skill in regards to the devil fruit that allows for this.  Such is the case with Ms. Doublefinger and her "Toge Toge" (Spike Spike) fruit allowing her to "dope up" a body part to make it more muscular. (there is also a possibility in regards to strength and Luffy's own "Gomu Gomu" fruit..but that's a huge spoiler and still developing as we speak)

    -The second is in regards to a specific kind of fruit called a "Zoan", which allows the eater to TF into an animal.  Because of the natural increase in physical abilities such as strength and reflexes from eating this fruit and gaining a more beastial form, the eater can train their body to increase their abilities further, such as possible muscle growth within their animal or hybrid state.  To me, this would be perfect for a woman to eat something like a specific "Neko Neko" fruit allowing for the development for a very cute (and possibly muscular) catgirl…but so far the only female to have eaten a Zoan fruit is an insane woman who can TF to a mole…and the only person to max out the ability with the increase in strength is a guy who can TF to a leopard.  A shame, but it does lend possibilities.

    (turns off One Piece geek mode) other than that…not bad.


    Havent looked in this thread in ages…lol. My has it grown…haha.

    Matthew Sicherman

    I'd love to see a buffed up version of Aelita from "Code Lyoko"


    Hello! i am "relatively" new here, lol! (long time watcher, first time poster)

    I have always been facinated by muscle. i always wanted to be ripped! so in honor of my b-day my dad got me a membership to the local gym  πŸ˜€

    i was wondering if anyone could make me look huge! lol! i always wanted to know what i would look like. (please forgive my noobishness,i hope this is the right area to post this O_O)


    Here's a request if anyone'll take it.

    Name: Rave
    Age: 19
    Height: 7'0"
    Body Type: Fairly muscular; good chest size.
    Hair: Blac with a mix of blonde; long.
    Eyes: Grey
    Clothes: Black vest, worn open; grey tube-top; black spiked dog-collar; black skirt, black high-heeled boots.


    I was wondering if anyone could do a buffed up Bulma from Dragonball Z, maybe a comic involving here summoning Shenron and wishing to be the strongest warrior in the universe. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


    Good Luck with that gym membership.  πŸ˜€


    Sorry but I've not tried to colour it !  😳

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