Re: Requested !

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    David C. Matthews

    He, he, not to add to that snowball Dave…………. :evil:who am I kidding?  A piece of 1 1/2" or 2" steel pipe would do nicely, about 6" long.  That way when it gets crushed it also bends over on itself a little.  This is assuming that it is held vertically in the cleavage not horizontally.  Although a solid bar held horizontally and then crushed would be quite impressive!

    A "solid bar held horizontally and then crushed" is exactly what I'd been assuming; the bar would then look somewhat like a crushed soda can afterward (I know I keep coming back to that, but it's a useful analogy for what I see happening)

    So if it went vertically, it would flatten at the place where the pressure is being applied… hmmm…


    I'll give that some thought… but I gotta get back to my other stuff sometime!

    (why do I suddenly get an image of a snowball rolling down a hill, getting larger and larger the more it rolls?)

    (can't be a very long bar, can it? the length of a soda can, or else it wouldn't fit between her breasts)

    it would be a pipe between her breasts not a bar.
    I remenber a comic book of the Fantastic Four , where kids were playing the F.F.
    And the kid being the thing showed  Ben( In trench coat and hat) that he's the thingand cruches a empty soda can, than ben Said Not bad , here something for you to Practice on and crush squeezes a lamp column


    What about having her bend the bar over the top of her breasts or something? Or perhaps if it was longer have her do something like bend it all the way over and round her ample bust, tieing both ends together underneath then taking one huge, deep breath and watching the metallic remains go sailing into orbit just a few seconds later? πŸ˜‰

    Not that I'm trying to add to that potential snowball of requests either or anything of course.  πŸ˜‰

    Otherwise with the whole bar crushing being described the way it is I'm also sorta forced to agree with the lovely Tet-chan up there as well.  πŸ˜‰

    David C. Matthews

    What about having her bend the bar over the top of her breasts or something? Or perhaps if it was longer have her do something like bend it all the way over and round her ample bust, tieing both ends together underneath then taking one huge, deep breath and watching the metallic remains go sailing into orbit just a few seconds later? πŸ˜‰

    Not that I'm trying to add to that potential snowball of requests either or anything of course.  πŸ˜‰

    I've been sitting here for about ten minutes trying to think up an appropriate reaction to your idea, and all I can come up with is….


    It's certainly sparking some… interesting visuals! πŸ˜€

    David C. Matthews

    it would be a pipe between her breasts not a bar.

    Hey, these are drawings; she's a fantasy girl; it can be a bar if we want it to be, ne? πŸ˜€

    I remenber a comic book of the Fantastic Four , where kids were playing the F.F.
    And the kid being the thing showed  Ben( In trench coat and hat) that he's the thingand cruches a empty soda can, than ben Said Not bad , here something for you to Practice on and crush squeezes a lamp column

    Yes, I seem to remember that as well, Ashlee. Sounds like a scene from the glory days of Lee and Kirby!

    David C. Matthews

    One more thought before beddy-bye…

    The coin-bending sequence is actually inspiring the start of a Dyna story, believe it or not.

    The opening scenes have Dyna walking onto a stage (or a TV studio) where some sort of charity event/telethon is taking place. Having already made public her intention to perform a "special feat of strength" if enough money is pledged to this charity, she's now ready to fulfill her promise. She's wearing a special costume that bares her midriff (although at the start of her appearance she's still wearing the Belt), and, after some banter with the host and hostess of the telethon, asks the host for a quarter. Holding the quarter up so that the audience and TV cameras can get a good look at it, she then announces that she'll fold the quarter in half. The host is suitably impressed; "you're going to fold that coin in half with your bare hands!" "I never said I was going to use my hands," replies Dyna, "I'll be using my abs!" This brings a gasp from everyone, audience and crew alike. Dyna removes her Belt, and hands it to the hostess; then asks the host to take the quarter and hold it against her belly-button. Her mighty abs make short work of the coin (as in the Tetsuko strip), and holding aloft the folded quarter, asks that it be auctioned off for the charity. Thunderous applause from the audience, as the program goes to station break.

    Dyna walks backstage to get her Belt back from the hostess. But she finds the girl knocked unconscious, sprawled on the floor… and Dyna's Belt is GONE!! STOLEN!!!

    …and that's all I've been able to come up with so far, except that (just to make things a little more complicated for the Damsel Dynamo) this will take place in the period of time before she's revealed her secret to her boyfriend Scott.


    Someone called RyuuQuadraxis asked for an out of suit Samus here ~> and I also think another person asked for her? o.O
    Anyway I'm a big Metroid fan so……

    As promised, I give you one Samus Aran πŸ˜€

    Oops I made her taller πŸ˜›
    I know I don't normally do requests, but god dammit I love this girl XD And plus I really like this place so… ^^ yeah.
    Used this as a refference ~>

    Also? I know it's not upto what I can do.. but I'm kind of in a slump right now :/


    😎 nice  😎


    ^_^ Thanks Kulli! It's a really nice Samus!

    And although I don't notice her not being up to your usual, all I have to say is continue with pride!


    Wow!  That's a great drawing, Kulli!  Thanks for sharing!  I really love the way you can make people look massivley muscular but somehow incredibly in proportion, like people that size could realistically be walking around the UK (maybe one day…). 

    Great tattoos too!  I'm sure you could sell designs like that or even paint on henna tattoos on people and get a lot of business (even if you do occasionally watch Judge Judy!).

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