Re: She-Hulk Fans REJOICE – Fantastic Four 1×18 The Cure

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  • #40626

    Hahaha, over at the She-Hulk Message board… Dan Slott said he (or rather, intimated… and I can't find credits for the episode offhand) had a hand in this episode… this probably explains the fact she was in the new style unitard and the appearance of Squirrel Girl.

    Sounds like it could be the better of this new series. In Slott I trust. Only ep I've liked so far was the Hulk episode; the rest have been rather boring. Weak fight scenes, sound effects, etc. Hope that changes sometime soon… and I hope it also isn't one big snorefest of an episode.

    Haha, Squirrel Girl!! Rock on.  ;D


    Well if there's more than one transformation, I saw the first one with the interview.  The leg muscles were pretty decent but everything else was kind of lame.  Still though it was OK, it could have been much worse and less detailed.


    Hey! That's not anime!  😮 It's closer to the style in the Godzilla and MiB cartoons.

    Delmo Walters Jr.

    Well if there's more than one transformation, I saw the first one with the interview.  The leg muscles were pretty decent but everything else was kind of lame.  Still though it was OK, it could have been much worse and less detailed.

    Where is this interview located?


    Artistically I've seen a lot worse. She-Hulk's first appearance is really nice. Good growth but in the end she doesn't seem big enough. Towards the end of the show she seems better. Her attitude is terrific as is her strength. This being geared for a slightly younger crowd she's thankfully not the drunken slut Slott made her BUT his influence is seen during the auditions with Flatman and Squirrel Girl. Johnny's reaction to her transformation is classic!
    Ahhhh thank goodness for a little thing with the initials B.T.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    His influence is he wrote the episode.

    As to her not being big enough… well, she certainly wasn't as muscular as she could have been (especially upper body – where she wasn't a patch on the 90s incarnation) but hey, it's her first appearance and transformation in over 10 YEARS… so, I don't think one can afford to fuss.

    Perhaps my one regret is that she only appears properly halfway through but I think they at least did a decent job with her height… she clearly towers over Reed et al in the shot just after the interview.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Yeah… this really isn't an anime style… especially as anime pretty much means "from Japan" but I digress.

    Delmo – the "interview" is… I assume, the one in the cartoon where the FF are interviewing people to replace The Thing, where She-Hulk's first TF occurs. The episode itself seems to have started to filter onto video sharing sites.


    What is "1×18 The Cure"?

    The only "The Cure" I know is a rock group.

    Thanks for your help.


    Eric F., She-Hulk Fan


    That was certainly better than I was expecting, but then so was the 90's Hulk series She-Hulk TF.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    I think they were both good in their own way – the 90s one didn't really show any clothes ripping but had some good FMG and made Jen approaching beefy… conversely, the first one here had a lot of clothes ripping but She-Hulk wasn't nearly as muscular and there wasn't really that much FMG… and of course, the classic 80s one was more clothes "transforming" and Jen growing but no discernible growth.

    So, I think that I'd probably put the new and 90s one pretty close together.

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