Re: She-Hulking

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  • #35938

    Then I hope you'll like this also. 😉 Two more lovely scans of the emerald heroine today, one from Jean Sinclair and the other made by Luis XIII. Enjoy:

    Monster list, ze fly!  😮

    ze fly

    Monster list, ze fly!  😮

    That was a rich week. ;D  Alas this one is quite poor… :-

    Let's begin with 2 scans, one from Rob Reis and the second from Luis XIII (which may be the last one I may post from him, his auctions becoming a little too expensive for me :'()



    That was a rich week. ;D  Alas this one is quite poor… :-

    Let's begin with 2 scans, one from Rob Reis and the second from Luis XIII (which may be the last one I may post from him, his auctions becoming a little too expensive for me :'()

    With as many as you've purchased, I would think you'd be running out of wall space by now.  😉

    Maybe you should start the worlds first Uberbuffed Superheroine Art Gallery, charge a small fee – call it a donation, and use the earnings to buy even more commissions.   ;D

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Found one at

    I find that surfing the favorites of DA artists I like is a great way to find more art I'll like.

    David C. Matthews

    May I not-so-modestly add my own? (NSFW)

    Blast!  No account!  Can't see great work of DCM! :'(

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Blast!  No account!  Can't see great work of DCM! :'(

    No prob! Account free! See lotsa stuff! ;D

    Prophet Tenebrae

    You don't actually NEED a DA account to see the "mature" content. Deliberately or due to massive incompetence, there is not so secret work around. Just click "download"… should show you a full resolution version. At least, last time I checked.


    You don't actually NEED a DA account to see the "mature" content. Deliberately or due to massive incompetence, there is not so secret work around. Just click "download"… should show you a full resolution version. At least, last time I checked.

    Ah, thanks for the tip – where is the download button?

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