Re: Tonuss

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    I'm working on another piece, and here are the early sketches as I work with the character's owner.  This isn't a commission (one was offered, but I prefer not to work on a commission basis as of yet), but I guess I'm working it like one.  Anyway…

    (PS, it's not as if anyone hasn't noticed by now, but I draw a fair amount of anthropomorphic characters.  I like drawing them because there's a certain variety and freedom to the concept.  I also understand that for many people, fetishistic furry art is a turn-off.  I do intend to do more work with human characters, but there will always be bunny girls.)

    The character is the ghost of a pirate (cue the remarks about her chest and booty!) and the intent is to convey that she's quite the evil persona, even in death.  I wasn't going to bother posting any of this here (it's just some quickly-scribbled work that I posted in my scraps) but the second one was a bit of fun to produce.  I am using 5" x 8" sheets for my sketching, and the character has pretty much bulked her way right out of the margins, so I used three sheets to get all of the anatomy drawn.  Then I used Photoshop to align and layer the various pieces, and presto– a single character.  Well, it seemed a lot cooler at the time…

    Working these kinds of proportions is an interesting challenge, as I tend to go with slightly less extreme proportions most of the time (so to speak).  So the challenge is to see how far I can push her anatomy before it falls apart.  I know I've got a lot of room as yet, but I'm doing it in small steps to get a better feel for it.  Before long I'll have reached what I guess you could call "Jebriodo Lite."

    ze fly

    😼 Wow! Really impressive and promising… I really dig the facial expressions in the first sketch: very realistic!  🙂

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