Re: "What If…" Sonya took "The Serum"? (UPDATED w/ Page 7!)

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  • #21564
    David C. Matthews

    Great work poppa bear!
    I don't know why tet-chan is so upset?
    Fans could have demanded her to become a SHE-MALE!EEEEeeeeeeuuuuuuuu!! 😛

    "EEEEeeeeeeuuuuuuuu!!" is right… I see enough of that at the J-List site, thankyouverymuch!

    Actually, she's more surprised than upset; she thinks she's big enough already (although we know there are some who disagree  😆 )

    O___O  she-male!? That could lead to some very odd fan stories…

    I'm NOT going there, I don't care how many fans ask for it. (Thank the Great Maker nobody has asked….)


    Oh c'mon.  What the fans REEEAAALLLY want is DeGoff M-PREG.


    I'm NOT going there, I don't care how many fans ask for it. (Thank the Great Maker nobody has asked….)

    I's do believe that dear Pandora shall now ask for you to close her Box, dear David.


    I don't know what good that will do, The Pimp Neonblack. I'm not sure that there is anything left in the box, save hope. Even that's not very likely at this point.  😉

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Oh c'mon.  What the fans REEEAAALLLY want is DeGoff M-PREG.

    No, that's just the fangirls. Male fans are a bit more…what's the word? Ah, yes. Sane.


    Oh c'mon.  What the fans REEEAAALLLY want is DeGoff M-PREG.


    Get with the program, DCM!  You're losing positive control on this thread!  😉

    (I wanted Post 25 to be my first story, but I guess this is the best I can come up with.  Maybe this weekend…  :x)

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