Re: Who’s the Fairest One of All?

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  • #14110
    ze fly

    You may be pleased to know, dear Trilliwig, that, after surviving a mere fatal bout with Breast Cancer, Ms. Ertunc has made a return to the scene. Although be it as a figure compeditor -this still is fine.
    The Pimp NeonBlack

    Yes, here are some pics of her at the IFBB 2005 San Francisco Figure Pro :


    I know I'm a bit late on this, but I just saw it, and just had to chime in – just one mention of Mindy Obrien??! Com'n, guys, that girl is as cute and muscely as you can get without actually being a panda!
    And, if you press me for a heavy-weighter – I've always had this thing about Bettie Pariso…


    Since I have yet to jump onto this particular thread…

    Rachel Mclish
    Dawn Riehl 
    and…. Rebekah Kriesla

    All three of these woman have figures that are uniquely theirs.  I wish that Dawn and Rebekah would put out new material on a more regular basis.  The only reason I ever joined Awefilms was to get Dawn material.


    You may be pleased to know, dear Trilliwig, that, after surviving a mere fatal bout with Breast Cancer, Ms. Ertunc has made a return to the scene. Although be it as a figure compeditor -this still is fine.

    Wow, I had no idea. I guess that's why I haven't heard much about her lately.  Thanks for the gallery posts too, Ze Fly.  She looks good for someone who survived a potentially fatal disease.  I'd rather she be bodybuilding of course, but we can count our blessings she's still with us.  Unlike Marianna Komlos.  😥


    Definitely agree with the "pre-surgery" melissa Coates, and with Mindi O'Brien.
    Would like to add 2 I havn't seen mentioned:
    Becky Rampey
    Pavla Brantalova (Man, I wish she'd kept compteing)

    Rob Smith

    I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Sharon Bruneau.  She was smokin'!


    Someone that I believe needs to be added to our list, Heather Pedigo   😎


    (Some more can be found here – )

    And she's self admittedly, not 6' but at 5'11.5", whose counting?   😮

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Did anyone mention Heather Lee?

    Joe Jokoy

    No surprisingly no one mentioned Heather Lee. She's my favorite FBB so I'd agree. Also Colette Nelson, Amanda Dunbar, Elena Seiple, Britt Miller, and Cindy Phillips.


    Who do you think is the hottest FBB out there, and why?  If your fave FBB has a website, feel free to post the link.

    Obviously, there are hundreds, if not thousands of bodybuilders who can fit into the category of "the fairest one of all"–one more beautiful and muscular than the next. But when somebody asks me who I think is the "hottest" what I really hear is, "Who would you gnaw your way out of a straight jacket and trample over everyone else to go to bed with?" (Extreme, yes, but to quote Adam Corolla, I'm a passionate, passionate man.)

    For me, the hottest is Renita Harris.

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