"Redneck car jack"

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  • #18024
    David C. Matthews

    (That's "car jack" as in "that thing that supports the car while you change the tire")

    Found this at the website of radio talk host Neal Boortz, who does a feature on his site called the "Redneck Scrap Book".

    I don't know if this qualifies as "redneck", but when I saw this I thought you guys (and girls) would like to see it, and this topic was the only one I thought it fit in.

    Redneck Car Jack

    I have no idea who did this, but I like it!

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Heh! I've seen the image before, but never as a GIF morph. Nice.


    That image has been circulated around the Cyber Space Realms for sometime now.
    I's have received it at least 7 times in e-mails in the last few months alone.
    Still, 'tis a very creative and amusing work.
    Kudos to it's mysterious creator.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    😆 Funny. I like it.

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