[request] stick figure support group

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  • #3246

    Rimmer and others seem to have been having fun receiving morph requests, so when I saw these women, I thought of bringing them here. Each of them seems to be ready for a change.

      [*]"Help me, my legs are too skinny for me to stand without leaning against this door." (Note: This image is half a megabyte. The others are much smaller.)

      [*]Her outfit is what caught my attention about this one. It’s obviously designed to allow for a lot of growth without tearing.

      [*]In contrast to this one, who seems to think that it’s never too soon to start ripping clothes. (With an alternate pose.)



      I’m tempted by the size of that first image but, honestly! who is the photographer here? That is the most awful pose i’ve seen in a long time, the pathetic, drippy, limp body flopping against a doorway and she can’t even keep her head upright! Yeech!

      Which, I suppose, was your point. 😉

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