Rethinking Dyna

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  • #17641
    David C. Matthews

    This may come as a disappointment to some, but I've made a decision that I've been mulling for a while now:

    I've decided to put Dyna the Damsel Dynamo! on hiatus.

    For some time now, there have been aspects of the story "Menace in Metal!" that have been bothering me. I can't discuss specifics without major spoilage of plot points and such (since I do intend that the story will be done in some form eventually), but I've just come to the conclusion that the story needs major reworking, especially as it was intended as an introduction to the series, its characters, settings, etc.

    Rest assured the series will return, once I've reworked the story into one I can be happier presenting (or perhaps written a new story that accomplishes the same introductory functions, in which case "MiM" will be pushed forward in the series' continuity). In the meantime, it does give me more time to work on Satin Steele and Tetsuko


    Good luck with that.

    You always treat your creations right as evidenced by Satin Steele's reworking.

    Watch those old Superman cartoon serials some more to get your brainstorms flashing again.  :mrgreen:


    Disappointment? Non, non, non, non…

    😥 It's a total, punch to the stomach bummer.  😥

    Especially since I had so many neato torpedo ideas for future fan stories.

    But, since first impressions count, I know you gotta do a good story.  So you gotta do whatcha gotta do.

    I'll still be cranking out my own ideas for stories and bad guys and fly them by you, with your OK.


    Well, although I am disappointed in the short term, you always find a way to make it up to your fans…  😛

    Seriously, though, I think it's admirable that you can recognize when to stop the story, and take a second look. Every fic I've ever written (very few), I could never step back and examine the plot for holes. So, kudos to you, Mr M!


    Well as long as you’re working on something I’m happy.


    I agree. Your work is fantastic, and if you're not adding to one prject, you're likely going to be working on another. It all works out, as far as I'm concerned.


    David: you must do as you must and what you enjoy. 'Tis pointless to continue to work on a thing that gives you no pleasure nor comfort in the fact you know something is amiss.
    So, take your time and plan what you will. We shall wait, patiently as always, until your are ready to relaunch the Dyna.
    And, if need be, all you have to do is ask and there shall be a multitude to give aid if requested.
    May good fortune be upon you.
    The Pimp NeonBlack

    Silent One

    It's always better in my opinion to rethink a project you've lost your "vibe" with.  The end result is always better when you do get to it, and besides as has been said . . .  We still have Tetsuko to tide us over  😀

    Take your time and do what must done, your work is widely enjoyed and greatly appreciated.  As is the rapport you strive to achieve with your fans.

    David C. Matthews

    It's always better in my opinion to rethink a project you've lost your "vibe" with.

    I'm not sure I've "lost my vibe" with the series or the character, just this story as it stands. I still want to do 😀 draw Dyna, and I still want to draw her fighting a giant robot! (Just not this story in this form.)

    The end result is always better when you do get to it, and besides as has been said . . .  We still have Tetsuko to tide us over  😀

    Take your time and do what must done, your work is widely enjoyed and greatly appreciated.  As is the rapport you strive to achieve with your fans.

    Thank you for the kind words, Silent One and everyone else.


    I still want to [s]do[/s] 😀 draw Dyna

    lol That's hilarious….

    Anyways, take your time Dave, We're patient enough lol! And with somewhat more "linear" pieces like Tet-chan and Satin, you're bound to hit something with MiM! (As well as keep us busy ogling lol)

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