Return from Holidays Find Home Demolished 1/6/11

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    NY Daily News – Thursday, January 6th 2011
    By Nicole Carter

    Just three weeks from moving in, a Pennsylvania man found his newly bought home completely demolished, reports the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

    Andre Hall, 40, had apparently come to the home in Pittsburgh’s West End area to do some final repairs, when he realized something was very wrong.

    “I don’t come for a week over the holiday, and as soon as I come back, I see a backhoe on top of the house,” he told the paper. “Why did they demolish the house? They could see I had put in new windows and had slabs of drywall.”

    The explanation?

    “A couple things went awry,” John Jennings, who is the chief of the city’s Bureau of Building Inspection, told the paper. “The house next door was to be demolished, and the contractor, in error, took this house down as well.”

    The three-bedroom home had reportedly been vacant for five years, but Hall was in the process of making repairs on the home, which he bought in November for $31,000 after it went into foreclosure.

    Apparently, Jennings claims his department told the contractors not to demolish the house on Nov. 3, but that seems to have gotten lost in translation. The contractors did not comment.

    Hall, who has five children, currently lives in a one-bedroom apartment.

    “My dream is done now. Someone needs to man up and take responsibility for this,” Hall added.

    But, so far, the city departments and contractors involved are reportedly reviewing what happened.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Man, that’s bad karma.

    … and a one hell of a lawsuit.


    Yeah, while you were gone we busted up your house and destroyed it with a back hoe…. Happy New Year!


    This was even in OUR newspaper, a regional one, in Hungary:)

    I lol’d.


    Theater of the Absurb.

    Reminds me of something that I happened to witness many yrs ago.

    Parked my car in front of a comics store only to have owner come racing out saying: You can’t park there, my truck is parked there . . . oh, my God it’s not there!

    Needless to say, I said nothing and quietly followed him inside.

    In a panic he then called his son asking: Did you drive off with my truck? No? I’m calling the cops.

    They later recovered it about 30 miles away, sanz the bag of laundry he’d left on the passenger seat. The perp dumped it out somewhere in-between during his joy ride.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Complete and total blownface moment.

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