Revisiting an oldie

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  • #61262
    Matthew Lim

    Since changing up my personal style a few times in the past couple of years, I've wanted to go back and revisit the Regime of the Rogue series I started when this forum was young and under a different name.

    This is the first image I got to test out my new toys, a set of Copic Multiliner SP pens and a pad of Bienfang Graphics 360 marker pad. Which gets inks looking incredibly crisp for a non-digital approach. I have to say I surprised myself with the end result.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    The Return of the Regime of the Rogue? Squee!

    The pic looks absolutely wondrous. Your Photoshop skills never cease to amaze me.

    Agent Highmax

    Kool man I wish i was that good in PS


    Simply, AWESOME.  😮

    Will you be re-doing/continuing the series in the near future?

    Matthew Lim

    Will you be re-doing/continuing the series in the near future?

    Going in it was really only a fun exercise, but I have given thought to coming back to the series. Right now it's teetering on the halfway mark between "maybe" and "definitely." There's things I want to do and things I need to do at the present time. It keeps jumping up and down the priority ladder but you can hope to expect another return to the Regime of the Rogue series eventually, even if it does take me another two years to do it.  😉

    ze fly

    😮 Awesome!


    Going in it was really only a fun exercise, but I have given thought to coming back to the series. Right now it's teetering on the halfway mark between "maybe" and "definitely." There's things I want to do and things I need to do at the present time. It keeps jumping up and down the priority ladder but you can hope to expect another return to the Regime of the Rogue series eventually, even if it does take me another two years to do it.  😉

    Cool!  I thought it was a nifty idea, glad to hear you haven't completely abandoned it.
    In the meantime, keep up the great work!

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