S is for…

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  • #72760

    Well it is the Awesome smiley. 😛


    That's a supreme piece of art. Many, many thanks for posting.


    I'd love to see any original designs for this 'Daydream Supergirl' Sheeri's costume.

    That would be a interesting idea. The only alternate version I've had (to avoid the whole copyright issue) involves this same outfit with an oval cut-out where the S is currently (somewhat of a Supergirl/Power Girl costume hybrid):


    Very nice sexy and cute at the same time?
    But High heels? Ouch! on the landings.
    I prefer Low ,wide heel shoes ,works boots,Really thick sole shoes or natural stride shoes.
    Kids Books HUH? Comic Books characters mary-jane the wasp and sue storm would not need anybodies help!
    I can just see your Little miss muffet art!Or Dick and Jane take Sally to school!

    Great work on the art!!!!Glad you took a different path! 😉





    Wow Sheeri sure has evolved as a character. Totally different than she was when she first appeared. I was wondering though who is stronger now, her or Andra, and what exactly are there power levels?

    Sorry for the question that I'm sure is always asked but I like to know stats for my favorite characters and both of the previous girls count.  ;D


    Ouch on landing on the high heels? 

    Assuming they didn't simply break off under her weight on landing.

    I am curious… what IS her height and mass in this impressive picture?

    (I know that's not NEGA-Sheeri… but that expression'd still get me concerned if I were in her vicinity.)


    Wow it's SPG!

    It's strange how such a elementary change can make all the difference in Sheeri's presentation.

    Thank you for sharing this alternate costume Dr.O.  😉


    Wow Sheeri sure has evolved as a character. Totally different than she was when she first appeared. I was wondering though who is stronger now, her or Andra, and what exactly are there power levels?

    Sorry for the question that I'm sure is always asked but I like to know stats for my favorite characters and both of the previous girls count.  ;D

    Sheeri by far; Andrah can deadlift about 15 tons, whereas MegaSheeri here can do about 20x that amount (about 300 tons).

    She's damned close to 8 feet tall (if not a touch more) and weighs well over a quarter-ton (somewhere between 550-650 lbs).


    I always loved your art, but it makes me sad that Andrah (who I like the best) is now falling back. I hope Dr. Otto mixes some potion, that will create a mega-andrah, so that she will be on the top of the strength chain.
    As to this picture, I find it a bit unsymmetrical. Her legs just seem to short compared to the upper body and head.
    Btw. I really really liked that flexing Pandagirl you made! I can hardly await more of your art.

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