Sarah Palin

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    let's take a look at McCain's certificate.  He wasn't born in the US.

    In point of facts, he was – born at US military base, inside the Panama Canal Zone, which at that time was still sovereign United States territory, hence he was born a legal citizen as any other born within the states.  As previously mentioned, by contrast, Obama has yet to produce up a valid copy of his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii.  If the roles had been reversed, the news media would never shut up about it – hounding McCain right out of the election.  But that its their man, it's silent running full speed ahead, damn the torpedos.

    That McCain comes from a family of career military, father was Admiral, his grandfather, too, if I'm not mistaken.  Far and away, I'd trust him over the questionable Obama, the manufactured candidate, on national security matters.

    On economic matters, I don't trust either of them – both will by executive fiat attempt to make 30 million illegals, legal.  Soon as that happens, it will then metastasize onto 100-150 million when these start bringing their immediate families into the US.

    That McCain had the unmitigated gall to suggest that Bush should ignore the Congress on balling out the Wall Street pirates by directly looting a Trillion dollars from the Treasury all but killed his chances of winning the election.  Until he did that his poll numbers were significantly ahead of Obama, the empty suit.

    Frankly, McCain's done (with the exception of picking Palin, which boosted his numbers) just about everything to sink his chances – all on his own.  Won't motivate the conservative base, doesn't even attempt to speak to them through the major players of talk radio – even one as friendly to him a program as Rush Limbaugh’s.

    No folks, its just game over – like Bob Dole before him McCain was handpicked by the Republican Party to fill the slot as a stalking horse.  Also like Dole, and Bush's father before him, for that matter, he doesn't really want the job.  If the Republians had been truly serious about wanting to win, they could have, and would run Mitt Romney, who would have crushed Obama.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Romney's a religious nut.  He wants the US to be a Christian state because he thinks the founding fathers wanted the US to be Christian, but just not quite a theocracy.

    In general, though, I'd prefer him to McCain because of the Palin factor.


    I only saw the first video.   If that word-twisting, fact-twisting propaganda is where you base your facts on, I won't even bother watching the second one.

    Let's all post some Youtube videos and make a big video fest!

    Lol. Okay. Here's one for ya.

    (Gotta love Glenn Beck)

    As for AlexG's points, I agree with him. I think McCain is done. I often wonder how the debates would have been with a Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, or Guiliani on that stage. Obama's more than likely got this race in the bag.

    Personally, I'm hoping Bobby Jindal takes the stage soon.


    (Gotta love Glenn Beck)

    Yes, he's very good – so is Michael Savage, Tammy Bruce and Laura Ingraham

    As for AlexG's points, I agree with him. I think McCain is done.

    I don't think we're the only ones about that.  8)

    I often wonder how the debates would have been with a Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, or Guiliani on that stage. Obama's more than likely got this race in the bag.

    Thompson, like McCain is just too old – and tired looking, ran just to be in the limelight one last time.  He’s well past his time and prime – he should have ran ten or more yrs back, would have been a great president.  Guiliani, where do I begin – best just to say he didn't resonate west of the Hudson with the rest of the country.  Romney was the first and only chance for winning – telegenic, well spoken, a former governor and a businessman.

    Personally, I'm hoping Bobby Jindal takes the stage soon.

    Jindal, yes, he’s likeable – has future potental – but also like Obama, he's just too green and needs several more yrs of real world experience before he could win the position, and manage the country.

    I’m of the opinion its going to be a Pyrrhic victory no matter who wins – even if by some act of divine intervention, its McCain – they’re going to inherit an economic mess, brought on by twenty yrs of Bush, Clinton, Bush pushing NAFTA, GATT, WTO, etc.  Unlike the Great Depression, America still had a massive industrial base to restart up with again, it was just lying idle in the 1930’s.  Today, that’s not the case, most of the factories (not just the jobs) have been shipped off to foreign countries, primarily China.

    Lastly, one thing to keep in mind about Obama – because of his relationships (Bill Ayers, Rev Wright, etc) if he were applying for a job with one of the national security agencies (FBI, Secret Service, CIA, etc) he would never pass the background check to be hired by them – and yet, some people want to turn over the most important job in the world to him.  Many just to stick it in the eye of Bush.  That's not good enough.  They should do some real deep soul searching and think about the consequences before they pull the lever on Nov 4th.  Its not just the man you're voting for, its also all of the people that he's surrounded himself with that will be getting positions of power within the management of the goverment, too.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Pundits, eh?!

    I've seen a fair bit of some of those mentioned, but I doubt my opinions will go down well, ah well, here goes.

    Beck:  Odious.  Reminds me of the worst kind of second-hand (used) car salesman.  Acts the innocent "I'mreadytroacceptDemocratideas" whilst knowingly smirking at the camera.  Olby smirks as well, but not in quite the shark-like way Beck does.  Plus, Beck has said things that are, to me, vile.

    Savage:  Aptly named.  I know much less about him than Beck, but I recall him saying things about lesbian and gay people which even I as a heterosexual find offenive.  Goodness alone knows what Mimi would feel, but that's for her to comment if she so chooses, not me to guess.  Don't know Tammy Bruce.

    Ingraham:  I've not seen much of her, but what I have seen shows her parroting White House talking points.  I would like to be directed to a piece of footage on the Internet where she uses insight and her own ideas.


    Now, I KNOW this is the dreaded, un-American Olbermann, but try to block the dislike and go by the evidence – turns-out McCain isn't Mr Whiter-than-white after all, even after we forget about Hagee and Parsley.

    I think Olby can be pretty strong sometimes in condemming people, and I don't always agree with him, but this is a clear demonstration that it's almost impossible to be a senior politician and have no ill-judged associations.  Can people not accept that both candidates have made mistakes in the past and have been ssociated with less-than-wholesome individuals and get back to issues?  Or will McCain have to do that now he's rebuked the more blinkered supporters at a recent rally when some deranged old bat muttered about Obama being Arabic when he clearly isn't?  Given that he praised Obama as a man and merely said that he was running for President because he felt he could do a lot better job than Obama could, (which is fairly self-explanatory) what else does he have left?


    Interesting that you should ask this. Maybe you should check this out Reason.   (Sums it up pretty nicely.)

    Oh, and in case you haven't been listening to happenings in the blogosphere, you might also be interested in this which is a CURRENT Lawsuit asking Obama to file a VAULTED copy of his birth certificate (not a digital copy posted online.) It's interesting that the DNC has filed a counter suit to DROP the case.

    Now, why would the DNC spend thousands of dollars paying attorneys and filing a counter suit when they could simply go to Hawaii and spend $30 bucks for a vaulted copy of his birth certificate?

    Doesn't make much sense.

    Oh, and lets not mention Obama's 20 year relationship with Reverend Wright, his ties to William Ayers, or the DNC's current use of ACORN to steal the election in Ohio, parts of Missouri, and over 4,000 dead people registered to vote on the voter rolls in Houston.

    So when Hunter says that Obama tries to hide things about his past, I think Hunter has a valid base on which to express some distress regarding Obama's veracity.

    Hehe. It's good to see that the fine art of propaganda is alive and well in 2008! The first video was just a campaign ad with no facts in it whatsoever. When dealing with complex issues, you can't just be for it or against it, irrespective of the context. All they've done is remove the context from his positions on various issues throughout his career. It's pretty easy to make anyone seem foolish if you do that.

    As for the second video, it seems to me that the whole lawsuit is just a transparent attempt to smear Obama's name. I always get suspicious when someone puts up too many arguments when one should be enough. I mean which is it… he was born in Kenya, or he was born is Hawaii and gave up his citizenship when he lived in Indonesia? Again, it's an old propaganda trick – come up with a whole bunch of purely speculative theories and try to convince your audience that they add up to a single fact. I mean he put a copy of his birth certificate on his website and it has been authenticated by Why isn't that enough? What's the bet as soon as the election is over this lawsuit disappears overnight.

    Man, you guys should stop reading overly biased blogs and stick to peer-edited sites, like Wikipedia.
    And please don't complain that it's not reliable. If you come across a fact where you have evidence to the contrary then feel free to make an amendment.

    Snopes is a good one for debunking campaign rumors as well.

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